Mike South

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Isadore Hall

Remember all the usual industry suspects who predicted the end of Isadore Hall’s career. Hall had so tainted himself by his preoccupation with the adult industry, and had ruined his

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The Man

I will keep this as short as possible. If I told the whole story it would take a week to read it. In 1991 my brother was diagnosed with a

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What APAC Can Do Right Now

I have to admit that I was wrong. APAC is not a worthless organization. Right now they are in a perfect postition to make some simple, yet effective fundamental changes

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A Major Flaw In The Testing System

The adult industry testing program is a Harm Reduction program. That means you simply accept that participants in the program are putting themselves and their partners at risk, and they

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APAC Lets The Truth Slip

Looking over the press release from APAC I noticed a few very interesting comments. Just the fact that APAC acknowledges certain realities in the industry is a breath of fresh

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AB1576 A Few Questions

Not much has been said about how AB1576 will affect the gay porn industry. As we all know the gay industry does not routinely require any kind of testing, and

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The PCR Test Did Not Work In 2004

Anyone familiar with the adult industry remembers the events of April 2004, when one male performer and three females tested positive for HIV. There was a fifth performer at the

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