The Latest Porn Chick Scam Elexis Monroe

Remember last week when Elexis was going broke from medical bills and and was “desperate to take care of her poor children”?

Looks like she worked her fan bois pretty well…Now she is using the money to remodel her house

Hey Elexis  couldn’t you at least wait a month or two and TRY to make it look like your begging wasn’t a scam?

Use that money and buy yourself some insurance…..But then why should you, your “fans” will bail you out when you need it….






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The Latest Porn Chick Scam Elexis Monroe

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8 Responses

  1. Mike..I am in need of your help. I have Degenerative Testicular Vaginitis. It’s horrible. I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone and it really is a fight for my life. What I need from you is a Canon EOS MK III and lets put a rush on that if we can. That way I can document my illness. Also, I have to pay the doctor so throw in about $20,000..hold on a sec the guys delivering my new 70″ 3D need me to sign something…there..where were we? Yes Mike, thank you for helping me fight through this horrible event in my life it means…shit, hold on, my crack dealer is blocking the driveway and the furniture delivery truck can’t get in…anyway, just send me some money would ya? I feel really bad. Love ya 🙂

  2. A fool money well disapear round female porn star faster than female striper cloths on strip stage siround buy men with benjamin franklins in there hands.

  3. Bitches that do shit like this (pulling a Raven Alexis) fuck over porn girls that might legitimately some day need help with medical problems and no way to pay the bills.

  4. I’m surprised Mike hasn’t commented about Donny Long’s PornWikiLeaks site being back up again listing all the porn stars real names among other crap.

  5. He may not have been aware of it. It just came back online yesterday. I sent one e-mail to Sean when I found out and assumed he would let everyone else in the “straight mafia” know. I should have sent one to Mike and Mike as well but was pressed for time when I found out. For the record Sean wrote back that he had already been informed so I am not the only one that noticed the post on ADT. Hopefully all of the information is old now and useless to idiots like Donkey, Joe Blow and Tara Akinloser. Still, Donkey should be drawn and quartered in the Chatsworth town square for his asinine stunts.

    For the record the name list has been on another of Donkey’s sites called Encyclopedia Dramatica for a long time now. We were just trying to ignore it since a big splash hadn’t been made hoping it wouldn’t escalate to this.

  6. the listings are not only of performers names, Karmafan. They also include all of the names of non-talent, ie. bloggers, producers, camerawomen, company owners who all went to AIM so they could have unprotected sex with the talent. Try it yourself and see! I’d list names, but I like those people so…

  7. Donkey even went so far as to wage war against an ADT moderator because he rode in Mark Speigler’s limo with Kristina Rose between the convention and their hotel. Outed his address, legal name and his family’s information. This situation is scary to say the least. If I could get away with it I would go to Thailand and emasculate Donkey without pain meds, force his dick and balls down his throat and then draw and quarter him in Bangkok’s town square!

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Mike South

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