I’m not sure if you heard but Flash Brown has been arrested on charges of battery, pimping and pandering, and human trafficking.

I did a little more research I found that the assault charges were with his current wife who is a mainstream model and include 2 counts of battery with a weapon, which is a felony.
In 2010 he divorced from his previous wife due to domestic violence and has a restraining order against him as a result of his abusive behavior. Rumor is he actually put a hit out on his last wife. Which is why he has a permanent and irreversible order of no contact.
Our source was right, we didn’t know about this but thanks for the tip! What we can say with confidence is that he hasn’t posted a twitter update on his timeline since October 15, 2018, where previously he was rather active.
After a little digging, we found he is still in LA county jail and is currently being held with a bail amount which was set at $205,000 which has now been raised to $245,000 due to additional charges being filed since his original arrest. The court is also is requested a ‘pre-plea report’ before sentencing. Which basically means they are going to look into how violent they were in the past.

He was served a protective order by his current wife, during his arraignment hearing, in open court.
Although I’m told 2 or 3 new charges have been added, the initial charges were 275.5(a) inflicting corporal injury to a spouse, 245 (a) (1) assault with a deadly weapon or instrument other than a firearm and 417 (a) (1) drawing a deadly weapon (other than a firearm) in a rude, angry or threatening manner.
His incredibly beautiful wife is a mainstream model, originally from Europe was held against her will, physically beaten with his fists and then also later with a weapon. Although we are told she is now in a safe place and has since recovered from her physical injuries, she still has nightmares.
What kind of man does something like that?
Flash Brown is a male performer who started in the industry in 2010. He’s originally from Tennessee.
He stands out from other male performers based solely on his size. He reportedly stands 6 feet 6 inches and weighs 230 pounds. A size he clearly uses to intimidate the females in his life.
I’ve spoken to a few producers who know him and they tell me that he’s a cool guy but they just don’t want to work with him because his drug and alcohol problems, which have caused some issue on sets in the past.
According to some of the court files, it looks like he was also charged or currently being investigated for charges of “pimping and pandering“, specifically in regards to his wife. You can be guilty of pimping just for knowingly living off the proceeds of someone else’s work as a prostitute however it looks like in this case he got busted trying to pimp out his wife against her will and because she’s originally from another country that may play into why they are looking at him on human trafficking charges as well.
As always we’ll update you on this Flash Brown story when more information becomes available.
20 Responses
Well god dam, that last wife or GF is hot as hell. What was her rate while Flash was pimping her out ?
Nice nails
He usually tweets me back. Idk how accurate “he shoots mainly for Dogfart” is
When will Riley Reynolds of Hussie Models, Trinity St Clair and Gregg Dodson be finally housed in a correctional facility ?
No one is got a heavier hand keeping the pimp hand real strong then those three.
Hi Mike South, Riley stays at Geoffrey Hobson’s house where LA county sheriffs human trafficking officers showed up at his house two months ago right up the street from Trinity’s house when a girl OD there two months ago.
They showed up twice and took statements. The First time they thought they were at trinity’s house but later returned and took statements then from Geoff and a shit load of girls in that trap house #2. There are 16 bunk beds there and 2 trailers packed with Riley’s trafficked victims.
Geoff is a Mr Jig Saw type meanie like the horror movie character Jig Saw. Have your people check and see if this is a joke. Its 100% true
Geoffrey has two minors living in the house with a ton of naked prostitutes walking around the house. Here is where drug dealing Geoff lives sporting his buddy’s trailer which a bank is looking for the trailer to repossess it . Its parked so the repo man cannot get it out of there .
Shy Love used to imprison her Euro trafficked victims there until Riley got her ass kicked out. Now its Rileys house of horrors.
The DailyBeast.com Missed this part of the story and Geoffrey Hobson is the one who sells coke to Charlie Sheen and provided the Tranny who gave him Aids.
Check your reader e mail you have undisputed proof and pics
Almost all of his 2018 releases on IAFD were for DogFart.
Just as Rob Piper was welcomed back to porn with open arms following a jail stint for beating the fuck out of Leah Gotti, Flash Brown as well will face no career repercussions.
Hop Sing, I guess Rob Piper’s lucky John Gotti is dead
Why can’t Meyer Lansky bail him out like Suge did with Tupac? Then make him shoot every day ’til his trial
Leah Gotti isn’t related to John Gotti’s family. It is too bad she got her ass beat without good reason, she was quite attractive and had a shot at a decent career in adult film. I wondered why she disappeared.
Hop Sing you are very correct about the assessments of the diabolical villains resurfacing after these kind of acts due to porn world’s short memory and attention span. Only ever so once in a great while there is an exception or two. Mr Marcus didn’t seem to quite make the come back as he hoped . Never know though he is still walking on the right side of the grass and breathing . There might be still time for him yet.
Well she has a baby now and some sort of born again Christian. Does youtube videos talking about her porn career. Some of these porn girls that get tossed a beating should have seen it coming with the folks they choose to live with.
Guess Christy Mack was the only one surprised when she got a beating from that human pit bull War Machine?
Marcus still says he was singled out and banned from porn because he is a black man.
MHarris, you “wonder why disappeared?” Didn’t that neighbor of Gotti, John Favara, disappear too?
I meant she disappeared from porn, not life. John Gotti’s neighbor was almost certainly whacked.
Wow really ? Because he is a black man ?
Nope because he faked a test with Photoshop
Karmafan, who’ doing youtube videos?
WhoDat ? The girl who is tossing her family under a bus on television caught on you tube.
I am trying to blend with the diversity or majority of core audience in the video here. I thought the intro was Luke Skywalker on the hysterical channel http://www.Blackpayback.com for a quick sec. lol
It’s unimaginable that any brotha whose got himself a hot white babe would ever pimp her out or beat her.
And the girls who hook up with them? Brilliant!