Max On Trial In Tampa We Have A Lot To Lose: From GFY

Credits to Pleasurepays

If people in this biz weren’t totally retarded, totally disorganized and actually had some guidelines and standards to work and live by this industry wouldn’t have many real legal problems. How about not pushing? how about setting some clear, defensible boundaries and staying within them… rather than always challenging the world to shut you down?

There is a difference between drawing the line in the sand, one which you know can be defended and staying behind it and the totally incorrect assumption that anything and everything you do is somehow Constitutionally protected and to keep pushing the most influential groups in this country to shut you down by making sure they always have the ammo they need to keep firing at you until they hit something.

Right now many of you US idiots want to make the argument that shitting on, pissing on, vomiting on, pissing in girls mouths until they choke and cry etc isn’t “obscene” or isn’t obscene in GodsVillage, Indiana… and most of you then go further to suggest that what he is going through is unfair as if no one really knew that you can’t just mail out totally over the top porn with some old wrinkly fuck pissing into a girls mouth until she starts to choke and cry to any state, county and city in the country without a serious risk of being prosecuted.


The biggest problem with this industry is that it is full of anti-social idiots with a strong resentment for authority. Thats all fine and well when you are rebelling against your alcoholic father who frequently tried to kiss you or watch you take a bath… but it’s not hardly a winning formula for the long term success of a controversial industry whose greatest enemies are infinitely more organized, deep pocketed and focused on the simple goal of stopping you and that usually have the public and federal government behind them to do it.

The “rights” you many of you seem to think you have in the US are an illusion. People make the laws. People make the laws against people like you. They can because they know you are weak. You are the low hanging fruit of society. They will attack you because they know no one is going to defend you… because you can’t defend yourselves. They will continue to attack you because they can always rely on the fact that you will constantly be throwing whatever offensive thing you do right in their face and daring them to do something about it. And they are fucking you over right now. They are arguing that each one of you is a Max Hardcore,.. no better. A disease in society. Eventually, they will win and you will lose and it will be your fault, because far too many people in this industry are irretrievably damaged, self destructive fuck ups… and because no one will separate you and what you do from the absolute worst of the worst in this biz.

The public doesn’t see (and never will see) “good” and “bad” pornographers. They just see “pornographers” and the public perception of you will never be any better than the publics perception of Max Hardcore and some old guy shitting on an 18 year old runaway while she cries. And its not the publics fault. It’s your fault. You repeatedly make the choice to defend the worst of the worst in a political and social climate where you will eventually lose. You don’t even have the sense to pick and choose battles and choose battles you can win. Instead, you let the worst of the worst in this industry pick a fight on your behalf. Brilliant! Are you fucking kidding me? Eventually you will lose these fights… And once you finally lose… you will lose big because the fight against you will never stop and you don’t have the brains or foresight to organize and defend yourselves, set standards and police yourselves. Instead… you are happy doing lines of cocaine off a strippers ass while complaining about who is President and how unfair life is and will just let the Christian Right do it for you.

How will the government restrict your business because you didn’t have the brains, foresight and organizational skills to put yourself in a defensible position first? Because in the most important fights, you choose to not have a strong defensive plan or even an offense?

This industry is like a really big, cocky, heavy weight fighter with a glass jaw. Eventually, its going to catch one on the chin and it will be lights out for all. It’s not a question of “if”… only “when” …. and why? because most of you stupid assholes prefer to think its your “right” and will keep doing that until its finally decided to take that “right” away because you just can’t and won’t see the bigger picture.

Obscene: ob·scene
Pronunciation: \äb-‘sen, ?b-\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French, from Latin obscenus, obscaenus
Date: 1593

1: disgusting to the senses : repulsive2 a: abhorrent to morality or virtue; specifically : designed to incite to lust or depravity b: containing or being language regarded as taboo in polite usage <obscene lyrics> c: repulsive by reason of crass disregard of moral or ethical principles <an obscene misuse of power> d: so excessive as to be offensive

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Max On Trial In Tampa We Have A Lot To Lose: From GFY

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10 Responses

  1. You nailed that one South. What I find “humorous” is who is really screwing whom. Themselves.

    Your industry is really just a reflection of the Nation in general. The Conservative –vs- The Liberal. A Republic –vs- A Democracy. A question posed to Ben Franklin, “What kind of government have you given us?” to which he replied “A Democracy, if you can keep it” was something more of a prophecy as we consider it today.

    Majority rule is only good for the few who is able to successfully incite the sensibilities and feelings of those around them – The Dumb Masses.

    The problems most people encounter, is their understanding basic rules of life. It’s frightening.

  2. Pleaure Pays is an oldtime poster from Oprano. And a smart guy whos madea mint in this business.
    I look forward to meeting him face to face after all these years.

  3. Max Hardcore is a misogynist. He doesn’t do what he does for freedom of speech or “art”. He does it because he hates women. And anyone else who watches his shit also hates women. And there will always be a girl who needs the money that will eventually give in and appear on one of his videos. Or like the case in Britain, Max just rapes the girls that come on set when they try to leave.

    Your industry should have policed themselves a long time ago. You knew what was coming and what are the laws. If you don’t want the government stepping in, then police your own industry.

    Porn should have stayed dirty and hidden in a brown paper bag. Legal of course but not “mainstream”. It’s bastards like Steven Hirsch who wanted to put a pretty face on porn that even he now has gone more extreme. Because to pornographers, it’s like what’s next, what do they do now to push the envelope.

  4. What was taboo before is tame now. I’m all for hardcore porn like anyone else. But there is nothing sexy or arousing watching a woman or a young girl being abused, beaten, punched, choked, urinated, and shit on.

  5. What an incredible post… Pleasurepays should be teaching psychology at UCLA.

  6. Darrah-
    You raise some decent points but fail to realize that this business would be NOWHERE if noone wanted to buy it.

    Policing this business is like hearding cats dude. Those that have tried to come in to do so always seem to have a hidden agenda or an angle to scam money instead of doing the right thing.

    Its become mainstream because people want it and it is very readily availible.

    I give them what they want without puking or pissing on anyone. Im no Max Hardcore fan but I see these girls come up to him all the time to break in the business. He asks them if theyve seen his films and they say thats why they have come to him.

    Max is movtivated by his ego and money.
    I dont care for what he does nor do I think its a matter of right or wrong but dont think for one second these girls arent willing to do these types of shoots.

  7. Darrah-
    You raise some decent points but fail to realize that this business would be NOWHERE if noone wanted to buy it.
    There’s a market for child porn and snuff. That doesn’t make it right. Just because there is a market for it doesn’t mean you have to resort to that.

  8. You are a retard if you think I support either of those under any circumstance.

  9. No no no. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way. That’s not what I meant. I’m sorry if that’s how you saw it as. I’m sorry.

    I meant there’s many things that have an audience and a market for but it doesn’t make it right to produce it. There’s a market for bubble gum pop music but that doesn’t make it right. 😀

    Forgive me??

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Mike South

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