While All is Currently Very Quiet There are Storiesin Porn That are Stagnant but Should Rise Again:

AIM: This one has been floating around for ages, confidence in this organisation is at an all time low. Gay companies that do test (rare) won’t even use them. Misdiagnosis, poor or no communication and alienation of talent are just the begining. Look for changes at the top.

Free Speech Coalition: With Bill Lyon ousted the word is why? The organisation is short on money and long on scandal, depending on who you ask Lyon was sent walking either for financial improprieties or as a political payback, or both.

Tera: This one was suppossed to be in court months ago but it was postponed, question is by whom? With Tera’s official site being owned by Club Jenna and Club Jenna is delaying any official launch until the name thing is settled, and rumor has it that Vivid is negotiating with Patrick as well but they too are waiting to see what happens on the name thing. Now Tera’s nom de porn is worth less and less everyday and her hubby Evan’s 15 minutes appear to be long gone now that “Oz” is toast and its obvious that his band Biohazard will never rise above third rate status, Tera has decided to do what she said she never would….feature dance….But word I get is that bookings aren’t coming, the longer this thing plays out the more Patrick suffers. Kinda interesting.

XRCO: Bloated body Jim Holliday and bloated ego Bill Margold are promising to take it over. So far nobody is even putting up a fight, but I think they will. When was the last time either Holliday or Margold reviewed an X Rated movie anyhow? It appears this organisation may die. Can I recommend Richard Freeman? What about Anthony Petkovich? Dirty Bob? why take it from Jared anyhow?

Extreme: For some reason Ashcroft does not want to take front and center on this one. Could it be because he isn’t very sure of a win? Lou Sirkin is good, real good and he has coached Rob well. Ashcroft insists on pushing Katherine Buchanon into the media circus on this one but if theres a win who do you think is going to be beating his cheast for the Christian Terrorists? Buchanon will be kicked aside quicker than a jury foreman can say Guilty.

Fuck Maynard

10130cookie-checkWhile All is Currently Very Quiet There are Storiesin Porn That are Stagnant but Should Rise Again:

While All is Currently Very Quiet There are Storiesin Porn That are Stagnant but Should Rise Again:

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