Mike South

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Is That a Tongue Up My Ass?

By: Lacey Blake Catholic Schools don’t teach you about anal sex. Shit, they don’t even teach you about regular sex. This means that after 12 years of Catholic School I

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The Quiet Before the Storm

Things have been quiet on the porn front for the week but I am hearing it’s the quiet before the storm…Big news is coming. Lacey Blake is doing her first

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New Feature installed

Lacey Blake is not just a good writer (and funny too) she is also employed in the mainstream film industry as a stuntwoman.  Her day job though is a Certified

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Mad Props To Lacey Blake

  Her story http://www.mikesouth.com/humor/a-2014-wish-list-for-porn-directors-8951/ Got picked up by Erotic Scribes GoodReads and Funny or Die Way to GO Lacey!

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My 2013 Porn Star of the Year

By: Lacey Blake I never planned on naming a top porn star for 2013. To be completely honest, the decision happened kind of ass-backwards. There I was just lounging around

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The Employee vs. Independent Contractor Debate

“Are adult performers in the entertainment industry considered employees or independent contractors? Considering I’m an Accountant this doesn’t seem like the hardest question on earth, but finding an “official” answer

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Fun with Lacey and the Urban Dictionary!

Urbandictionary.com is one of the internet’s greatest destinations. It’s also slightly addictive. The “slang” dictionary website started in 1999 and has more than 7 million “definitions” with at least 50%

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OBAMACARE Enrollment Starts Tomorrow!

If, for some strange reason, you decided to read the news lately I’m sure you’ve heard the term “Obamacare” or, technically, the “Affordable Healthcare Act” (AHA) at least 500 times.

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