Mike South

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Hap and Leonard

For more years than I’d care to remember now, Mike South and I have been reading and enjoying Joe R. Lansdale’s “Hap & Leonard” series of books. While I was

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The Good Ol’ Southern Belle

Felicia Fox, my wife, first started dancing at a club in Dayton, Ohio (under a different name) in 1992. I met her at the Dayton airport in October of 1994

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One Nation, Under Donald

By Tim Walker “It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.” That is George Orwell’s line, of course, straight out of his novel “1984,”

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Getting Older

I was in Speedway today, getting ready to pay for my gas, when I saw this total goofball standing in line. The guy was probably mid-40’s, with long grey hair pulled back in a

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Thanks for the Mammaries

I just wanted to thank Lindsey Lovehands for using my Flamingo Showclub office as her private dressing room this past week. Seeing her standing buck naked in my office was about as

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Real Man Rules

My buddy, who has made a career out of trying to turn me into a real man, was giving me more guidance via IM last night while I was lying

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Half the Money, and All the Pussy

Women: you can’t live with them, and you can’t make money selling them into white slavery. (Not at current market rates, anyway). Other than paying for Mike South’s dinner and watching him fall

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Tits For Tacos

One of the more interesting habits of some of the Flamingo showgirls is a little habit they’ve come to call “Tits for Tacos”. The girls get off work here at

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Why I Hate Writing

So I’m working online a few days ago, busily downloading pirated Digital Playground videos, and I get this instant message from (AVN Award-winning, gun-toting, Libertarian, Georgia pornographer). South: Yo Me:

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I remember when Mike South was funny. I remember when Jimmy D was funny, too. Hell, I even remember when I was funny. (I do not, however, ever remember a

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