There Have been Rampant Rumors All Day:

That there are 3 more HIV Positive performers, one male, two females. I will not release any names untill this has been virified.


Despite AIMS cry that the PCR-RNA test is flawed, thats the one they used to early diagnose Jessica Dee, her DNA test had come back negative. If you recall AIM and AVN rallied against a new clinic about 6 months ago putting them out of business because they were supposedly using the PCR-RNA test. I think all performers are now seeing what I have been sayoing for a LONG TIME. This is all bullshit, plain and simple. No one is any better than another, the only possible improvement would be to perform every test.

Of All The Things I Have Written:

Calling for the resignations of Tim Connelly and Sharon Mitchell drew the most emails from inside the industry. Not one person disagreed that Sharon should resign, not one. a vast marjority agreed that Tim is no longer the man he once was and is ineffective in his current role. One person supported Tim, and that one person is among porns most elite.

Of The Charges He Made He Was Correct About One Thing:

That I was only pointing out problems and not offering solutions. I’d have to agree but you can’t offer a slution until you have some idea of what the problem is, On this I know where to start.

Start With AIM:
AIM in it’s current iteration is our biggest liability, because it is apparent that it is rife with problems that nobody wants to admit. This is going to be the biggest factor in government legislating health practices in this industry. Sadly we are in reactive mode now.

What we need to do is use whatever clout we may carry to convince Sacramento that we wish to work together. AIM has to be gutted. AIM has to have a doctor, from a University Hospital who is involved with public health and infectious diseases, as its Director. It seems that someone from UCLA Med School would be a very prestigious addition to that organization, but it can’t stop there, I would also look at adding someone from the state board of health or a similar body and a third similarly qualified board member.

AIM Must become more professional, no more over tattooed drugged out looking people drawing blood, no more animals running or flying loose in the facility, it must be spic and span and the workers must look and act professional.

AIM must become proactive in it’s screening proceedure and it must stay on the cutting edge of STD detection and prevention technology. Twenty minute on the spot HIV tests have been available to AIM very inexpensively since about 1998. Tests that are highly accurate and do not require a blood draw. There is no reason that we shouldn’t have been using these tests on each and every performer for each and every scene for years now.

AIM is our front line of defense against medical problems and against government regulation, it has failed miserably on both missions.

It will have to be largely funded by the industry, no more extravagant educational expenses, no more defaulting on 60,000.00 in debt to the testing labortory, AIM or whatever it becomes, if it survives current legislative assualts on our industry, simply must become a professional organization and the front line of defense for our industry. Too much is at stake to put this into the hands of someone who hasn’t the educational background or the experience to guide it.

There will be more suggestions, but this is where we must start.

12330cookie-checkThere Have been Rampant Rumors All Day:

There Have been Rampant Rumors All Day:

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Mike South

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