Some Tampa Show Moments

Anjelica Lauren, who on being told she would present her award on stage three said

“I’m the prettiest girl here and I will NOT present in an alley”


Anjelica, Meet Casey Parker


Anjelica, meet Gina Lynn


For the record, considering the level of success that Gina has reached, she is very humble and down to earth…a TOTAL sweetheart.

Batman, on seeing Sunny Lane (his ex G/F) talking to Regan Anthony (His ex G/F)


Dan Davis is about as close as he is ever gonna get to Lexi LaMour


Beater and Michelle share a moment


Put a dollar in her shoe…out comes a ticket


The Adam and Eve Contingent


The guy there is Jes, the man who took all these pictures (Thanks Jes!!!)


And last for now, the return of the prettiest girl there, according to her, at least



11050cookie-checkSome Tampa Show Moments

Some Tampa Show Moments

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4 Responses

  1. Mike you are getting small bits of information wrong in your old age…LOL…
    I only worked with Sunny Lane,(we never dated) and Regan is my ex Wife not girlfriend.. Thanks for the post of the picture that gives me that Kevin Blatt look… Great now I’m infamous……..LOL

    You know I love ya brother and once again great job on stage during the awards.

  2. PS- Almost forgot to totally agree with you about Gina, Big Superstar status, laid back fun woman around others, gotta love her.

  3. If either one of them seen the hookers giving me the dual BJ, I would be in trouble, Ex’s or not…LOL…. I had a great time and that is what Tampa is suppose to be all about..

    So I wold call it a success.

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