Mercedes Carrera Archives - Mike South The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sat, 15 Jul 2023 15:23:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mercedes Carrera Archives - Mike South 32 32 1788040 Carlisle elementary School teacher ruined, by Over the top zealot cyber tips Sat, 18 Dec 2021 06:50:15 +0000 Carlisle Elementary School teacher Amy Bedwell Sudberry, cleared of all charges. A grand jury refused to indict the elementary school teacher and her husband on, overreaching Charges of Child Pornography. In an era of false tips and the boogyman words, Sex Trafficking, Trafficking, child porn, rapist, and harassment. Enter! prosecutorial overreach prosecutions.  A careful read […]

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Mercedes Carrera Hearing Postponed Again Sat, 20 Feb 2021 20:56:56 +0000 Mercedes Carrera and her boyfriend (husband?) have now been in jail for two years, facing the very serious allegations of sexually abusing a child under 10 years of age. The case has faced delay after delay, dragging this case out. However, it doesn’t seem to be the prosecutor causing these delays. Almost all of them […]

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Porn Star Arrested On Allegations Of Sexually Assaulting Minor #UPDATED Tue, 12 Jan 2021 03:32:56 +0000 In February 2019, porn star Mercedes Carrera and her husband Deamon Cins was arrested in February of 2019, on allegations that she sexually assaulted a child who was under 10 years of age. The San Bernardino County District Attorney’s has since charged the pair with eight counts of sexual acts with a child under the […]

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Mercedes Carrera & Husband Now Faces 2 New Charges of Sexual Intercourse with a Child Tue, 20 Aug 2019 20:29:18 +0000 Mercedes Carrera and her husband may have had the drug and gun charges dropped but as AVN reported today, they are now facing two new charges … Those charges include “Sexual Intercourse/Sodomy with a child 10 years old or younger,” as well as seven counts of “Sexual Penetration/Oral Copulation” with the same child, according to […]

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Amateur Hour: DA Drops Drug Charges In Mercedes Carrera Case Mon, 19 Aug 2019 17:25:33 +0000 First the gun charges against the porn couple were dismissed, now the dubious drug charges have been dropped. It’s amateur hour in San Bernardino County. Gustavo Turner gets credit for breaking this story at XBIZ this morning, but it demands amplification here — if only because we received criticism for pointing out certain unusual aspects […]

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Mercedes Carrera case update: Bizarre recorded interview with alleged victim played; gun charges dropped Fri, 09 Aug 2019 02:46:51 +0000 The evidence presented at today’s preliminary hearing in the Mercedes Carrera case was astonishing, according to published reports and comments made to by a source who sat inside the San Bernardino County courtroom Thursday. Carrera and her husband, Daemon Cins, were arrested February 5th at their home in Rancho Cucamonga, California, on complaints of […]

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Is Mercedes Carrera about to get out of jail? Mon, 10 Jun 2019 08:22:00 +0000 Mercedes Carrera and her husband Jason Whitney have been in jail for months, being held without bail due to the horrific nature of their crimes. For those that don’t remember the couple is charged with sexual abuse of a minor(s) and possession of drugs and firearms. The couple have had friends selling everything they could get […]

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Is the Mercedes Carrera Statement a Hoax? Let’s review the facts! Mon, 11 Feb 2019 00:21:15 +0000 On Thursday XBIZ ran a statement, that someone claimed came directly from Mercedes Carrera herself. AVN ran the same statement on Friday. Something about what AVN said in their post stuck out to me that got me thinking, so I did a little digging and made a few phone calls. In the AVN site they said […]

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Before Arraignment and After = The charges against Mercedes Carrera have changed Sat, 09 Feb 2019 00:11:34 +0000 Someone mentioned something to me that got me thinking. They said that when a person is first arrested they charge them with a few things, then after the arraignment, a few more charges are usually added or removed. I referred back to the original police statement which said “the DA’s office formally charged each suspect with […]

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Fact vs Fiction and Accusations Against Mercedes Carrera Fri, 08 Feb 2019 19:06:25 +0000 Yesterday, someone claiming to be speaking on behalf of Mercedes Carrera gave a statement to XBIZ. In the statement, Mercedes claimed the victim was her 9-year-old daughter and the charges were filed by her daughter’s father — her ex, who is a fundamentalist Christian who was trying to take custody of the minor child. Being from […]

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