Mike South

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My New Diet The Adella Diet

Porn is slow in the news department, so maybe some goofiness is in order…Have fun with it! In honor of my long time friend and reader Adella, winner of the

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Fine Ass Marketing

I tried to get Adella to respond to some questions I had for this bit but she apparently is irritated that I broke the news before it was supposed to

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Speaking of Digital Playground

Whatever Happened to Adella over there….she doesn’t even send press releases anymore.  In memory of adella I have attached a few of the old adella favs.

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Is Adella Sidelining on Digital Playground

This story is straight outta her playbook…It made me laugh. GLOUCESTER, Mass. — No, managers with Gloucester’s Public Works Department aren’t idiots. They’re just trying to catch cheats. When the

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