Louie Smalls of “Hussie Models” calls himself the “King of Porn” but can’t even approach other female models without getting told off due to his clear lack of respect towards women and their boundaries. I have unfortunately seen numerous complaints about him pop up on my twitter feed all including screenshots of quite cringe-worthy things he’s said to women in attempt to try and get them to “shoot content” with him. I’ve included some of these unfortunate conversations he’s had with some models just so y’all get the idea of what kind of egotistical jackass this guy is.

I think that a lot of these conversations can explain themselves…
Oh and surprise (?!) he’s also sending them unsolicited pictures of his penis! He goes so far to harass G/G only performer Avery Black who only shoots lesbian scenes professionally and B/G exclusively with one guy that because she shot one B/G scene with someone that she obviously chose and wanted to shoot with that he (a complete stranger) deserves to shoot with her also. After politely declining his initial offer by telling him that she doesn’t shoot B/G not once but TWICE he sends her a picture of his dick—because you know, it will obviously make her immediately swoon and want to shoot content or hell just fuck him for free ASAP…? No.

Smalls was clearly upset that his *magical* unsolicited dick pic didn’t get Avery to change her mind so he went to a friend of hers and complained how it was “unfair” that Avery only shoots B/G content with people that she chooses and he isn’t one of them.

Next conversation we have here is him trying to court a dancer by telling her how he would like to “fuck the life out of [her]”. She too was polite and told him that he was welcome to see her dance at her club but also told him his approach to get to know her was way out of line. Of course, being the “King” he didn’t take that well as most self-absorbed don’t accept criticism and went right for the ‘majority of women love it when I talk like that and I really do treat women with respect but because I’m a porn star now I can’t’. Right it doesn’t even make sense but nonetheless I’ve attached that below ‘cause I can’t make this ridiculous shit up.

So what happens when he actually does get to shoot content with somebody? They don’t get their content of course (can’t expect much else). Female performer Sovereign Syre shared that she shot content with him and was selling it even before she was given her copy of their scene; when she asked him for it, he blocked her. She eventually got it by going to the company he was contracted by but I’m about 100% sure in content trade situations everybody involved has equal rights to the content and one shouldn’t have to seek out another performers agent/contract to get said content.

Lots of talk about what female performers have to say about the guy but we haven’t heard from him himself FPB, well nothing he says himself is anymore redeeming in fact every time this guy tweets he digs himself into a deeper hole. Let’s take a look 🙂

May 19, 2019 and here we go. I don’t even have anything to say to this so gonna just leave this rapey tweet here, hell I could’ve just included this one tweet in the article and published it but what’s the fun in just having one when we can completely dissect and expose (because somehow all this has been overlooked?) this guy’s horrid behavior. Apparently the “King of Porn” doesn’t know that female performers are real people who can *feel* things emotionally AND physically and that just because they’re in adult doesn’t mean he can do whatever he wants with them and they “gotta just take it!!!”. Jesus.

Like his “conversation starter” on instagram and his post above, he really does seem to enjoy perpetrating violence towards women disguised as “harmless” sexual advances. It’s not cute, it’s not sexy, with his long paper trail of aggressive and predatory messages and tweets it’s absolutely disgusting and in my own honest opinion this man is supporting all the bad stereotypes that the adult industry carries about not caring about it’s female performers…and to think this guy is contracted by one of the biggest porn companies as well, what message is that sending (other than just inflating this guy’s ego)? Like Sovereign Syre said above: “the complaints [about him] have more clout than he does” Vixen needs to ace this reptilian monster
11 Responses
He shoots a lot for Lansky’s sites. Wonder what Lansky thinks of this asshat?
I am sure Greg Lansky will be taking this “King of Porn” off of his payroll and cancel any future scenes involving his scummy, rapey ass now that his harassment of porn performers has been outed publicly. Lansky seems to run a classy company and almost certainly doesn’t want to be dragged down by Louie Smalls asshattery. The guy might look weird but all reports say that he treats talent well and runs a clean set (although his first Vixen Girl of the Year, Kendra Sunderland, likes to strip and “perform” in university libraries and did get caught trying to smuggle drugs through TSA flying out of Los Angeles — getting cuffed, stuffed and taken to LA Women’s Jail — I bet she looked hot in cuffs but that had to piss off Greg Lansky after he finished jacking off to the thought of his movie star being arrested).
I wonder if Trinity St. Whore (excuse me, Clair) has had the chance to “work” with Mr. Smalls? They both (evidently) like to violate people sexually, Ms. St. Whore with her posting videotapes of her johns fucking her onto her Clips4Sale type sites without their permission and Mr. Smalls pulling the asshattery noted above in an attempt to force female performers to fuck his probably half inch dick (he should stick to taking nightsticks, strap-ons or possibly skanky AIDS dick down his throat and up his ass after this, his straight porn career is over after this article — especially if Greg Lansky was his primary employer). Ms. St. Whore and Mr. Smalls should do a ManyVids video together, they fit each other like two dicks in a skank’s pussy after she snorts an eight ball of “Peruvian Nose Powder”, pure (uncut) heroin or a batch of bathtub meth. Maybe she can also teach him a thing or six about stealing cheese out of Ralph’s and computers, cell phones, stereos, televisions, Mad Dog 20/20 or packs of mints from Delaware Wal-Marts (or maybe not — she evidently likes to get caught, cuffed, stuffed and taken to jail herself).
A black in porn aint the king of anything
Oh, Louie Smalls is the “King” of something — the “King of Asshats”. I had my fun in my previous comment but this asshole needs to be run out of porn, I was serious when I said that Greg Lansky probably won’t be casting him in any more of his movies. I also think that Ms. St. Whore should get together with him and make scenes together, they are both scumbags and need to give each other some “not so tender lovin'” on her ManyVids channel then get arrested shoplifting electronics and Old English 800 or Colt 45 40 ouncers together. They are made in Hell for each other.
Maybe they can boost some cheese together?
Will this article or his behavior in general cost him any income? No it won’t. That’s why articles like this are worthless. Because in this industry, talent face no repercussions for bad behavior.
Hop, I agree that he will probably still get work. However, this is bad enough that people shying away from such controversy such as Greg Lansky probably won’t hire him for a while. When James Deen got caught raping girls (including the one that lost her vaginal virginity on camera) in the Kink Armory after hours it took three years before he could even think about getting work from many porn producers. Yes, he continued to get some work but his rapey fetish cost him several hundred thousand dollars worth of work (he was working pretty much every day pre-scandal). I expect Louie Smalls to have a similar experience.
Brett Rossi ripped some poor cuck on adt a new asshole who repeatedly asked her to work with Smalls.
I take it Louie the Scumbag is on Brett’s “NO FUCKING WAY, NOT EVEN IF YOU PUT A GUN TO MY HEAD” list, then? He has made his was onto many other “NO” lists but for Brett to excoriate someone on ADT for suggesting him “repeatedly” Louie the Future Gay Treasure Island Media Cocksucker and Ass Catcher (where he will likely be working now that he is on hundreds of NO lists of both performers and producers and made himself look like a scumbag rapey idiot to producers) and/or the ADT member must have really pissed her off. I hope some third-tier producer or director doesn’t trick some noob chickie performer to work with him — likely for her first or second scene.
Here is a punishing idea for a scene: Louie “Sexual Harasser” Smalls and James “Rapist” Deen would make for a scummy and pervy gay porn scene (no, I won’t be watching), with neither of them known for taking dick up the pooper the looks on their faces (and the blood coming out of their assholes) would be priceless. Louie and desperate for work “Mr. Syphilis” or “Mr. VD” Marcus could also do a scene where they fuck each other up the ass without any lube or condoms. Paul “AIDS Lover” Morris, you might want to get right on that. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂