Have I been Had?:

Patrick Writes

Hey Mike,

I think it might be too late, but you should think of reworking your deal with Adella. Why??? Because Island Fever 3 is the last title of the series, at least that’s what Jesse Jane & Devon said on one of the DP Tonight shows recently. Sorry, but it looks like Adella played you on this one.

– Patrick, who wants a piece of the cake on the next deal…just kidding. Take care.

I don’t know what disturbs me more….the possibility that I have been had or the fact that Patrick knows this from watching DP Tomight.

All I know is this better not be true, I hate cold weather and it gets cold here in January and February, I’m thinkin that’ll be a good time to go to some subtropical island.

TampaShow Flakes:

Beater (The Man!) Predicts:

I will win for sure

Vince Neil – oops he isn’t on the list anymore maybe Mick Mars will show up?

1. JENNA JAMESON – does she need a reason???

2. AURORA SNOW – Hef called said Playboy were afraid one of Tims t-shirts
might offend her so she couldn’t go…

3. Seka – she realizes that she is older then Mike South and doesn’t want to
be the oldest there…

4. DAYTON – Will be stuck in Ohio somewhere…

5. OLIVIA O’LOVELY – she has never heard of me and I have never heard of
her, reason enough…


Wankus Predicts:

I never make this Tampa Show confirmed list. It’s so sad. Of course I’m not an adult star but my penis has helped excercise the macro lense on many a camera in porn valley. Regardless, I’ll play. Here’s my picks:

Jezebelle Bond – Why no show? “I couldn’t find LAX…did they move it?”

Jack Spade – Why no show? “I wasn’t allowed to bring my baseball bat on the plane.”

Monica Mayhem – Why no show? “Ann Marie is going.”

Felicia Fox – Why no show? “Tim Case is going.”

Selena Silver – Why no show? “Wankus is going.”

*Those are my picks (even though I’m sure 4 out of 5 of them WILL actually be there). Not meant to offend anyone, just to get a chuckle. See ya’all in Tampa! 🙂


I Can Be Bribed:

Adella called me today and insisted that I put up the link to the new Island Fever 3 Trailer. I told her I don’t generally do press releases and she knows it. After going Adella on me and swearing a lot and hanging up and calling back and swearing some more she made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.

She said that DP will pay my way and take me on location and give me exclusive coverage of the next Island Fever Shoot.

Now how the hell could I turn that down?


I hope the next one is a cool Island.

While We Are On The Subject:

Ya gotta love DP, they put out more product with other peoples “contract girls” than the companies who contracted them. Island Fever 3 for instance has Tera Patrick in it, and how many Stormy Vids has DP released…LOTS of them.

Ok A Dell….I earned this vacation.

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Have I been Had?:

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