AIM Is Fucking Up Performers Lives, I Say I Told You So:

Vivid Signs Twins,

Industry Yawns:

AIM Is Fucking Up Performers Lives, I Say I Told You So:

Misdiagnoses, fucked up tests….gee where have I heard all this before…you people never fucking listen.

True Romance:

Remember Luke Dittrich? He was the guy that wrote the piece on me for “Oxford American” Magazine. Well he now is a staff writer for Atlanta Magazine and low and behold he remembered the events that happened on one of the days when he was doing my story….only this involves Tim and Fifi. Its a well written bit and a great Valentines day story.

Read it Here at


Singing So Bad At Pornstar Karaoke Last night That Man Cracks, Kills Himself Outside on the Sidewalk:

His suicide note indicated that he just couldn’t take it anymore, the duet of Wankus and Aria singing “Wind Beneath My Wings” was the last straw.

AVN.COM Needs New Servers:

Yes indeed they are now inundated, not from all the traffic but from all the cookies, flash, javascript and popups that they send to each and every visitor. yes the information that they are collecting on you there has just gotten to be so big now that they must expand server capacity. Look for them to bombard you with more useless ads and popups to pay for this.

RSD Writes:

Hello Mike,

I read your site occasionally. I’m really enjoy looking at our culture at many levels and your site provides the most intelligent conversation in one rising area – pornography. Also, I’m the guy who sent you the question about the porn industry and dealing with more serious Claves in the future.

I have another question for you. It deals with the Rob Black case. Could this case actually be a good thing for the pro-family groups and pornographers? What I notice about alot of pornographers ( NOT ALL ), is that they tout their rights, but exercise no responsibility along with those rights and Rob Black is an example of this, although excessive. What I notice about the pro-family groups who keep coming after the pornographers is a disdain for this trait. The pornographic material is just the visible symptom of the root cause.What I mean is, knowing pornographic material exists isn’t really what annoys them, it’s the fact that no matter how much you try to watch over your kids, you have to admit that lewd material is everywhere and the people producing it don’t really seem concerned about it’s distrubution channel after it leaves the warehouse. Actually, in that regard, I’ll be honest with you, I do have sympathy for them. I’m not a dad yet, but my ultimate nightmare would be for my young daughter to happen to see a porn cover and decide that’s what she wants to be in life instead of a doctor, etc.

My point is, I think that the way to make peace between the pro-family people and pornographers is actually in the distribution system more than the content. With the rise of the internet, the technology now exists that both provide adults with whatever content they wish to enjoy and at the same time, keep the content away from kids.

2 solutions:

1. Adult material will go to it’s own “area” of the internet community. Instead of .com, it will be .xxx. I know some have said that the .xxx will become a “slum” area, but I don’t agree with that, I don’t think it will have any affect on the adult community. This will have two benefits:
A. It will allow for an adult verification system to be employed to allow entrance to the adult community – anything from adult movies to adult personals, etc.
B. It will allow effective filtering for parents. Anything at an .xxx domain can be filtered.

2. This will allow a good compromise distribution system that should make all sides happy. Adults can enjoy whatever content they like – even Rob Black content and parents don’t have to worry about their kids viewing the content. Once you are age-verified to enter an .xxx domain, you can browse through thumbs or order movies. Individual sites can even go further and have membership requirements – just to verify age. This would then become the means of distribution for adult content – it would be taken out of video stores, gas stations, etc. I do not see how this would hurt sales in any way. Most people would rather get adult material directly from their homes.

This would be a very good PR move by the industry as a side benefit. It would say to communities that we are exercising responsibility along with our rights. I think it would also take the steam out of any government prosecutions. I honestly believe that everything is now in place technology-wise to make all sides happy and finally bring an end to the conflict. If the industry would police itself and express to parents that they know parents concerns and will control the distribution of adult material so it’s something that parents don’t have to worry about, then I think the content of what’s being distributed will not really be a concern.

Just a thought. Am I being naive?

Take Care.

I have addressed this in the past but it keeps coming up so it bears some re-visiting.

Yes you are being naive in the respect that you think that those who don’t like porn would be any more happy with this solution than those who do like porn would be. If the .xxx domain (which ICANN hasn’t approved as yet) actually did become a reality and if that would be the end of it everyone, myself included, would support it.

But that isn’t any more going to happen than Bush is going to legalize marijuana cafes.

From My archives 7/27/2004

It doesn’t “protect the children”, kids dont get porn from responsible adult sites, they get it off of kazaa, bearshare, limewire, morpheus, IRC and others.

It does “Zone” adult into a cyber ghetto, they say that we won’t be required to use it but ask yourself this: Does your state have seatbelt laws? Remember how they sold that? They said Oh we won’t just pull you over and give you a ticket for not wearing it, we just want to enact it to protect you and your children, now “Click It Or Ticket Campaigns are rampant right? Just how long do you think it would take Ashcroft or smeone of similar narrow mindedness to pass legislation “protecting the children” by forcing adult sites to use .XXX. Picconelli and Walters say no way they can’t do that but I guarantee you these two hot shots aren’t going to represent you for free to prove it. For them .XXX is money in the bank, fuck what’s good for the industry.

How long would it take your city or state to demand that ISPs “filter out” the .XXX domain or lose permission to provide service to you? Specially if you live in, say Utah?

Starting to see the problems now? Ya I thought you might.

Now if you REALLY want to keep your kids safe on the internet you don’t do it by making the whole internet kid safe you do it by creating kid safe pockets….consider this, a MUCH more realistic and workable approach.

you create a .kids (or similar) domain and you install a browser that will ONLY access that domain. Now you create a whole cottage industry devoted to websites FOR kids. now your kids cant access nor can they access….not even to download a browser that can access .coms. could an enterprising kid eventually get around it…sure they could but only if the parents are apathetic and dont monitor the kids activity on the kids computer….And this is really the bottom line. You are responsible for your looking after your children and if you are not monitoring their internet activity it is YOU who is being negligent.


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AIM Is Fucking Up Performers Lives, I Say I Told You So:

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