Tips should be earned not expected!

There is hole in the wall bar near the airport in Houston, Texas called “Cockpit Bar & Grill”. They were recently featured in the Houston newspaper for calling out porn star Alexis Texas as a bad tipper.

Charlie Wells Castellano, co-owner and bartender of Cockpit Bar & Grill

Most famous person you’ve ever served a drink to? “Porn actress Alexis Texas. She was cheap. I guess having sex on camera isn’t as lucrative as I thought.”

My problem with this article is the entitlement of this guy who just expected since Alexis Texas makes good money as a porn star, she should shower him with money. He literally said, next time she should “make it rain”.


Fuck that guy!

This is what pisses me off about tipping. People in the service industry assume you will just give them money. But I think you should earn it. I think you shouldn’t just expect a tip. It should be something you are given as a reward for good service.

Alexis Texas

I tip everyone based on a sliding scale. Everyone gets 10% no matter what. If you only get 10% out of me, you suck. But the better the service is, the more I will give you. I have tipped as much as 200% before, more than a few times actually – but that was because I got great service and the person deserved it.

I happen to know Alexis Texas and I know for a fact she’s a very giving person and if she gets good service, she is giving in return.

It really just annoys me that he tries to trash her for not throwing money at him when in fact, anyone that knows her knows if she didn’t leave a good tip it was no doubt because she got shitty service.

Why do people like this guy (and many like him) just assume they should get a big tip if the person is famous or appears wealthy?

How about giving good service and earning it?

I bet you anything this loser spent the entire time she was in the bar hitting on her.

I happen to live in Houston, Texas and I’ve been to the Cockpit Bar & Grill and it’s a shit hole dump and now after reading this entitled assholes quote about Alexis Texas, you can rest assured I won’t be going there again.


201830cookie-checkTips should be earned not expected!

Tips should be earned not expected!

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2 Responses

  1. Yes, tips should be earned. However, if Alexis went in alone, had dinner and a drink, ran up a $10 tab even if she tipped the standard 20% that is only $2. A waiter is going to focus his attention on the large groups of people running up a $50-$100 tab where he can expect a $10-$20 tip for close to the same amount of work. When I eat out alone if the service is decent I leave a $5 bill minimum as a tip — which sometimes comes to a 100% tip. Waiters usually give me good service even when I eat alone once they realize I am actually willing to pay them for their work but I can see where a waiter thought Alexis was cheap if she came in alone and then only left them a dollar or two as a tip using the standard 20%.

  2. In a way, the tip for you reflects your valuation of tipping for how it makes you feel. I hate to get too political, but this has a lot to do with our crap treatment of restaurant workers in this country by one of the, if not THE most powerful lobby in America representing the restaurant industry. They fight to keep minimum wages low for server because “they get tips”. They are supposed to be a bonus above and beyond what someone makes as a worker, but they aren’t looked at that way by the industry.

    On a separate note, several Lyft drivers related that almost no one tips, which completely surprised me. The service streamlined what should have been long ago, saving us money and making ridesharing exceedingly convenient, quick, accountable and amazing. And typically, their drivers (and other servies’ drivers) have been kinder and engaging and sometimes fun. Short em when they don’t exceed what’s expected it it, but kick them a buck or two, if they did.

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