The COMPLETE Leigh Raven ‘Sexual Assault’ VIDEO Will Blow Your Mind

Sexual Assault? Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit. — “Proof lies on him who asserts, not on him who denies.”

Volenti non fit injuria. — “To a willing person, injury is not done.”

Radix malorum eat cupiditas. — “The root of evil is greed.”

Leigh Raven (left) has claimed she was the victim of abuse and sexual assault while working with veteran male performer Rico Strong (right).


In a YouTube video released March 9, adult performers Leigh Raven and Nikki Hearts claimed Raven had been the victim of a sexual assault.

Just over a month later, as we reported yesterday, neither the evidence nor the law supports this claim.

Today, on Twitter, Leigh Raven did her best to defend herself against the damning statements, photographs and video released online Wednesday, which — well, let’s face it, they clearly show that she made material misstatements and mischaracterizations in her wife’s Nikki Hearts’ YouTube video, and in subsequent remarks online.

It didn’t really of all that well.

The COMPLETE Leigh Raven 'Sexual Assault' Video Will Blow Your Mind


After promising an “article” (i.e., something that someone else deemed worthy of publication). Raven instead issued a printed statement on social media.


With all due respect, Ms. Raven, based on the evidence, the only people involved in this dreadful episode who don’t deserve to work in adult production are you and your wife, Nikki Hearts.

And perhaps people don’t believe you because Rico Strong and Just Dave have worked with just about everyone in the business, over the course of 14 to 15 years and thousands of scenes. You and Nikki, on the other hand, are relative newcomers who have not shoot all that much.

Rather than go back and forth on this, I encourage readers to watch the unedited “behind-the-scenes” video.

The video is very NSFW, obviously. Since Leigh Raven and Nikki Hearts have demanded that this case be tried in the court of online public opinion, you be the judge.

Do you think there was a sexual assault perpetrated on this film set?  We look forward to your comments.


READ: The question about CONSENT Leigh Raven and her boosters CANNOT answer

2395912cookie-checkThe COMPLETE Leigh Raven ‘Sexual Assault’ VIDEO Will Blow Your Mind

The COMPLETE Leigh Raven ‘Sexual Assault’ VIDEO Will Blow Your Mind

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13 Responses

  1. Where’s the rest of the footage? Don’t be naive. If someone with a negative shady character but was still intelligent was in this situation, they’d edit the hell out of that footage and begin planning a PR counter attack. I seen the YouTube video and you can “instinctively feel” she’s telling the truth. I don’t see any vids of Just Dave Buster and Rico Suave cuz you’d know straight away they were frontin. If I’m wrong, apologies but until I see either the missing footage or vids from those dudes, the girl is telling the truth.

  2. Hare whores that try to play victim in porn they have code words if at any point she felt super uncomfortable she couldve spoke up “this did not feel like porn smack” lmao
    You’re getting your face smashed by many guys in one scene by hanging on for dear life from hooks in your knees — this can’t be serious. Glad they dismissed the case because we can all argue the fact that for the most part in porn white males have the rougher scenes This is just laughable….

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