“We’ve Eradicated HIV” – Sharon Mitchell..(From AVN’s Lead Story)

The World Health Organisation and The Centers for Disease Control Bow Down to AIM.

“We’ve eradicated HIV and now its time to eradicate chlamydia and gonorrhea,”

That is a direct quote from Sharon Mitchell, Lets forget the fact that it is 100% WRONG. It is flat out irresponsible, and you people take her as being the gospel on STD related matters?

This statement came as part of an announcement that AIM will start releasing the names of people who infect others in porn valley with STDs. More coming on why that’s a dumb ass idea. As if you need me to explain it.

Obviously Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Are a Problem in Porn Vally:

This is the second major outbreak in as many weeks, Mitch says its around 6% of the performers…ya right, 50% is probably a lot closer but you see, Mitch plays with the numbers, exactly what performers is she counting? All the ones in World Modellings books? I’d bet some of those are dead. But I am getting off topic here. I’m not slamming Mitch or AIM except for making a completely STUPID statement like “We’ve eradicated HIV.”

What AIM has decided to do to combat Chlamydia and Gonnorrhea is to start telling people who they got it from. Now on the surface this may sound like a good idea, repeat offenders will become well known and get blacklisted, so to speak. Problem is Mitch has no way of knowing where it started, AIM tests every 30 days a person can catch the clap, get cured and get it again in between tests. So what her idea does is penalize the performers who work the most because they are the ones who are going to show up on he/she gave me the clap list the most. Not because they are patient zero but because they work the most. Even if Mitch COULD determine patient zero would you trust her? Remember it may be you she is pointing the finger at.

I may not have the solution but I damn sure know what it aint, it ain’t pointing a finger at the messenger so his peers can kill him….so to speak. So truth is this serves absolutely NO useful purpose.

I don’t just sit back and shoot from the hip though, I think there probably is a workable solution, but even the best ones have problems as I will explain.

Right now the attitude is “We can cure it with antibiotics” that’s all fine and dandy EXCEPT curing the clap twice in a month or even once every 3 months with antibiotics is asking for huge trouble. The reason being that as any doctor or qualified healthcare professional will tell you, over use of antibiotics leads to antibiotic resistant strains of the diseases, requiring more and more powerful antibiotics to cure the infection. This is a real danger here and it looms heavily on the horizon in Porn Valley.

Ideally the problem would be eliminated by the performers themselves by using condoms and safer sex practices outside the biz but you and I both know that aint gonna happen.

Plus how many new girls enter this biz every day? Think about that, theres a never ending line of them.

So what is AIM or even the performers best defense? Personally I think an HIV test every 30 days and a full STD screen every 2 weeks. Aim Charges what they charge now for it OR you can get it at any certified pathology lab or testing facility, there is NO reason for AIM to have a monopoly on testing in this industry. AIM should be a central clearing house though, tests should be readily available to subscribers and companies and individuals who make use of these facilities can help AIM subsidize them.

Now I hear y’all…every 2 weeks? Are you crazy? That would run people out of the business. yes it would and ya know what? We got too many irresponsible people in the business now…let em fucking walk. In my opinion it beats trying to “shame” out people whose only sin is that they work more than most others.

Finally, It’s time for Sharon Mitchell to resign and turn AIM over to a board of real health care professionals who are more concerned about the talent than their own egos.


9650cookie-check“We’ve Eradicated HIV” – Sharon Mitchell..(From AVN’s Lead Story)

“We’ve Eradicated HIV” – Sharon Mitchell..(From AVN’s Lead Story)

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