So you want to be a registered sex offender? Great job @ellieeilishx you are on your way!

A story recently came out regarding the website that booked a porn star to do a scene not only in a public library but also in front of an elementary school.

The performer’s name is Ellie Eilish and she’s only 18 years old. Ellie Eilish recently shot for Vixen. She’s a cute girl and no doubt has a lot of potential in the industry.

Ellie Eilish

But this single job could have cost her everything – it could have caused her to be a registered sex offender.

Is the little money that single job paid, worth that?

I mean do you want to go to jail because some low life producer decides the laws are stupid and gets you to break them?

Remember he may be the producer but it’s YOU who will be the registered sex offender if caught.

You can’t have sex in public places.

You can’t get naked in public places.

Don’t do it.

Don’t accept jobs that require you to do this or you could be arrested. Not the producer – YOU.

Use a little common sense.

If someone wants to book you for a job that requires something out of the ordinary, like getting naked where children are near, DON’T DO IT!

Getting arrested is serious business and it follows you for life. Especially since you’ll most likely be required to register as a sex offender for the next 10 years to life (depending on where you get caught at – each state is slightly different).

Put producers who put your safety and well being on your no list!


553991cookie-checkSo you want to be a registered sex offender? Great job @ellieeilishx you are on your way!

So you want to be a registered sex offender? Great job @ellieeilishx you are on your way!

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4 Responses

  1. She young and niave. HEr agent should have never sent her on that job in the first place. He should have known better than to send her to a job with a low end producer like that in the first place.

  2. You are absolutely correct, Preston and Karma. The agent likely should have inquired further as to what the scene is supposed to be and assuming he didn’t (and wasn’t lied to by the producer) he was derelict in his duties to protect his performer in this instance. I don’t know who Ellie’s agent is but I hope this was just a one-time lapse in judgement and not greed. Ellie should have refused to do the scene as it was laid out on the day of the job, too. If Ellie doesn’t have an agent and self-books, she needs to hook up with a good one (none are perfect but Derek Hay and Mark Spiegler seem to be two of the better ones) because she doesn’t have enough common sense to fill a gnat’s toe.

  3. The story is gaining traction. Obviously no one saw it to report it at the time but the video doesn’t lie. Throw the fucking book at them and make an example of them. Can charges not be filed?

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