A few words about Charlotte Cross Syndrome. . .
Did you ever notice how some people always claim to have been in the right place — or the wrong place — at the right time? This is original #MeToo; the version for attention seeking narcissists: “it happened to me, let me tell you all about it… is that recorder on?”
One of our other contributors referenced this the other day, writing:
can anyone think of a scandal in our industry that Charlotte Cross hasn’t somehow claimed to be a part of?
and it got me thinking.

Falsely claiming, or exaggerating, one’s connection to newsworthy events to benefit oneself is abhorrent, but has happened quite often.
It is said that the Rev. Jesse Jackson, who was indeed present at the Lorraine Motel on April 4, 1968 when the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the clergyman and civil rights leader, was fatally shot, rubbed his hands in King’s blood then smeared it on his own clothing to bolster his standing as King’s successor — a la The Manchurian Candidate:
You are to shoot the Presidential nominee through the head. And Johnny will rise gallantly to his feet and lift Ben Arthur’s body in his arms, stand in front of the microphones and begin to speak. The speech is short, but it’s the most rousing speech I’ve ever read. It’s been worked on here and in Russia on and off for over eight years. I shall force someone to take the body away from him. And Johnny will leave those microphones and those cameras with blood all over him, fighting off anyone who tries to help him, defending America even if it means his own death, rallying a nation of television-viewers into hysteria to sweep us up into the White House with powers that will make martial law seem like anarchy
Although Jackson stated after the shooting that he cradled King’s head as King lay on the balcony, this account was disputed by other colleagues of King, and Jackson later changed his statement to say that he had “reached out” for King.
Frank Zappa references this alleged event in his devastating “Rhyming’ Man”
As adult industry watchers are aware, every time there’s a scandal, a senseless tragedy or a crime uncovered involving someone in the adult business, Charlotte Cross claims she was present, nearby, or had a similar experience or close brush with fate. It’s uncanny. I call it Charlotte Cross Syndrome.
Cross has been, shall we say, creative in recounting other events in her life, but if she’s telling the truth about her Zelig-like existence, she must be the unluckiest person since The Mush in A Bronx Tale.
“Eddie Mush was a degenerate gambler. He was the world’s biggest loser. He was “Mush” because everything he touched turned to mush.”
Something to think about the next time you read a story quoting Ms. Cross, or encounter her on social media. And remember, Charlotte Cross Syndrome is highly contagious,
8 Responses
That Mush clip was pretty funny.
Broke as fuck but gotta survive yah know. Gotta spin the social media twist. Just have to seem relevant. Do crazies know at a point they are nuts and no one gives a fuck ?
Just curious
The article’s first pic shows a very different look. I take it the pic with Jessie is the most current …yes
Is she loosing all her hair already
funny article
Their pussies smells like a Vietnamese fish market on a hot summers day during a city wide power outage leaving no refrigeration.
All you can do is rub the bottom of your nose with vicks and vacate the city .
Fuck em
well not literally
BTW the girl is really fat now and just wants to be relevant
Is that a Hockey Puck or a roach motel next to that couch ?
Just curious
Its not a hockey puck. Its more likely a roach trap fitting for a trap mouth bullshit artist. Set designers knows cock roaches runs to a warm dark and moist “whatever” place when the lights are turned on.