Apologies To Taylor Wane:

n the bit below on Mr Baldwin I credited Taylor with having rebuked me over a comment about Heather Veitch. It has come to my attention that Taylor wasn’t even there, but had left herself logged in and someone else else did that under her administrator login…It wasn’t Taylor…my apologies to Taylor.

Steven Baldwin 3 Wankus, Tyler and KSEX 0:

Tonight was the (not so) much heralded appearance of Steven Baldwin on Wankus’ KSEX Radio Show. After some wrangling over video rights Baldwin finally made his appearance about 30 minutes late. He may as well have simply taken over the show himself and sent everyone else home.

The show was apparently being videotaped by VH1 for Baldwins show there and I don’t know if Wankus got star struck by Baldwin or camera shy about VH1 cameras but the showe could not have been more embarrassing for us porners.

Wankus clearly had not done any show prep for this guy and simply let him come on and spew the party line of the neo-christians. You know… all the I’m hip and I’m cool and I’m for Jesus stuff. Then Baldwin punctuates it with the because I know I am right, because apparently God has annointed Baldwin his spokesperson..Baldwin proceeds to point out how his decision must be right for everyone and how he wants us all to be as happy as he is…through legislation of course.

Wankus allowed him to use the disproven secondary effects argument with no challenge, Wankus S/O Tyler chimed in from time to time to assist in the “lets all kiss Steven Baldwins Ass” Party that lasted about an hour.

I was in the chat room and pointed out how sad it was that Heather Veitch (who claimed she got religion because of the Y2K Scare) was the smartest person in the studio…A blonde porn chick who found Jesus because she feared a computer virus…This caused someone under Taylor Wane’s login ( It wasn’t Taylor) to rebuke me, I responded with a please feel free to kick me out and ban me at any time. She wisely chose not to do so.

I like Wankus and I guess I can’t beat him up too bad, I mean he was clearly in way over his head, Baldwin and Heather Veitch ruled the night while the only guy present that was willing to question Baldwin intelligently (Bob from Xbiz) was squelched…hey it IS Wankus show and if he chooses to turn it over to Steven Baldwin for a night he does have that right.

I can hear it now…When VH1 airs this they will all claim that VH1 edited it to make porners look bad. Sorry y’all I was there, VH1 isn’t going to be who made porners look bad. Our spokespersons (Wankus and Tyler) did that on their own.

Damn Shame.

Home, Home Again, I Like To Be Here When I Can:

Back from Dayton and boy what a trip…I mean where else can you see two strippers get in a fight in the parking lot of a strip club just as the cops come through…then one stripper gets tasered and they both go to jail…..Just another night at Flamingos….


Meet The New Neighbors:

meet the new neighbors

OK I gotta give some credit where it’s due. I was thoroughly prepared to hate this video. Im not big on the mixing of porn and religion as a rule and most of the story driven crap that comes out of Porn Valley isn’t worth the cost of the cellophane the DVD comes wrapped in.

What raised my curiousity about this flick was the fact that Van Halen guitarist Eddie Van Halen is said to be the money and power behind sllab, so I figured hey…Rob Zombie had sime success with it…

“The New Neighbors” is perfectly cast, no 20 year olds playing mom or dad here and the actors (and actresses to some degree) are as good as you can get in porn. A fellow named E.Z. Duzzit steals the show with his Kris Kristoferson inspired character, I suspect E.Z. is a mainstream actor moonlighting in porn, he was way to comfy in this role and his acting experience is very evident, (his is a non sex role).

Credit goes to Mike Horner and Randy Spears for being able to hold their own with this guy.

The story actually has character arcs (albiet rather small ones) and real plot points and it moves along nicely despite being a vehicle for sex scenes.

Speaking of the Sex Scenes are pretty damn hot, no doubt about it.

My only complaint about this movie is that it looked HORRID on an HDTV. The result of editing (probably) and mastering (defanately) in NTSC 30i. Thus the up-resed picture has bad aliasing (jaggies). Im sure that on a plain old TV set it looks fine.

My thoughts come awards day…This should do very well, including best picture, best director, best actor (Horner), Best Supporting Actor (Spears) and should have a LOCK on best non sex actor (Duzzit)

A Note To You Editors And Shooters Out There:

You should be shooting ALWAYS in progressive mode (preferrably 24p) , if you don’t know what that is please go back to work at McDonalds, we have too many idiots making porn as it is.

You should be editing in the same format the video was shot in (30p or 24p or HD or whatever)

You should MASTER your DVDs in 30p or 24p

I know most of you just look at your editing software and see NTSC and figure since thats what we use that must be right (It isnt)

All DVD players will interlace progressive scan video and add 3:2 pulldown if need be.

If you don’t know what Im talking about please remove Final Cut Pro you got off of Limewire from the G5 you normally play video games on and go back to work at WalMart.



20340cookie-checkApologies To Taylor Wane:

Apologies To Taylor Wane:

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