Daily Lie Den! Lie #666 PREP and Pigs. What PASS doesn’t want you to know

PASS does not want you to know how they capture and steer wild pigs. Does PASS view the adult industry performers as wild pigs? Perhaps not, however, like wild pigs, easily captured and steered into a belief of sorts. And it seems to have worked, ONCE

Moderna Is Developing an mRNA Vaccine for HIV


How does PASS capture wild Pigs and hold people to a dogmatic belief they can work with “Unknown” HIV-plus performers all Safe and sound ?  Oh! And Unknown HIV Performers at that, Whoever they are. You are not even allowed to know who there are.

First, How to trap wild pigs, one would find a nice flat grassy area in the wilderness where it is not safe. Such as how PASS views the adult industry, seemingly

Second, Then lay out some shelled corn and this is the “gold standard” of pig baits. Practically every species of hog critters out there loves to eat shelled corn. It is necessary for survival to eat, similar to the survival of sex workers, survival in having to work, and it can be hazardous out here, Similar to PASS, having performers believing all is free and dandy. Are you safe with PASS on your side? After all, are you EATING Working safer? It won’t take long for wild pigs  people to find their way to free Pickens in beliefs. Surely at first, the poor creatures will feel nervous, shy, and afraid, much like working with a high-risk loose canyon talent, but they need food like industry professionals need to work.

Three. As the intended plot is set, sure enough, more pigs arrive, and eats Believe, Now PASS execs would have to build a fence behind the pigs, as they are distracted while WORKING eating,

Fourth. Each day repeat the process, of issuing free-shelled corn daily, as PASS folks and their enablers build another fence, while the worker bee/food source hogs become more and more comfortable. Never paying attention to a one-man WRECKING crew building a fence surrounding hungry wild pigs as they see as a safe haven, The fence is something grandiose for them.

Fifth. On the last day of building fences, PASS Builds a gate, like many wild beasts with Libidos raging and tummy full of the daily lie den, The herd becomes accustomed to being captured, and brainwashed, They just live with it. Unable to deal with any opposition to the daily lie den.



How effective is PREP anyways?

Preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is an HIV prevention tool, but it is “not foolproof “and carries certain risks. While PrEP can reduce the chances of contracting HIV, it does not guarantee complete protection against infection. This false belief can lead people to engage in risky behavior without taking appropriate precautions. PrEP is a medication regimen taken by individuals who are at risk of contracting HIV. Therefore, ONLY if It is taken daily and contains two medicines that, lower the risk of HIV transmissions when taken as prescribed. Furthermore, this is why PrEP is only for individuals who are at high risk of contracting HIV. An example would be such as those engaging in unprotected high-risk sex or sharing needles.

Just How effective is PREP ? facts from experts in the field of medicine

PrEP is not 100% effective, and it cannot protect against other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Furthermore, if someone stops taking PrEP, they can become susceptible to HIV within a few weeks or less. This is because the protection conferred by PrEP decreases over time and can be completely lost within weeks of less , after stopping the regimen. The false belief that PrEP prevents HIV infection can lead people to engage in high-risk behavior without taking appropriate precautions. People may think that if they take PrEP, they will not become infected even if they engage in unprotected sex or share needles. This is not true, and it can result in an increased risk of contracting HIV and other STIs. It is also important to note that PrEP is not a substitute for condom use. While PrEP maybe an effective prevention tool, it is not 100% it is not a replacement for condoms.

A Study of the Number of Patients who just stops taking PREP Revealed. Imagine, 20% just stop the PREP regimen within the first 6 months.

Recent studies have shown that a growing number of people are no longer taking Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), the HIV prevention medication. PrEP is a oncedaily pill that is highly effective in preventing HIV infection when taken consistently and correctly. Despite being an effective tool for HIV prevention, studies have found that a substantial number of PrEP users are either stopping the medication or not consistently taking it. In a 2017 study, researchers found that about 20% of PrEP users stopped taking the medication within six months of starting. In a 2019 study, the researchers reported that only about a quarter of PrEP users had taken the medication consistently for the previous six months. These studies suggest that a large number of PrEP users are not taking the medication as prescribed, resulting in a higher risk for HIV infection. The reasons behind why people stop taking PrEP are varied, but many of them are related to factors like cost and access. PrEP is not covered by all insurance plans, resulting in some people not being able to afford it. Additionally, some people may face difficulty in accessing PrEP due to stigma or lack of awareness of the medication. Other reasons why people may stop taking PrEP include feeling like they no longer need it, concerns about side effects, and difficulty taking the medication daily. PrEP is only effective when taken consistently, so missing doses can increase the risk of HIV infection. The number of people who are no longer taking PrEP is concerning, as it increases their risk for HIV infection. It is important for PrEP users to consistently take the medication as prescribed and for people to have access to affordable PrEP. Healthcare providers and HIV/AIDS organizations should address this issue properly.

Does Anyone Know what PASS systems really do when there is an industry-catastrophic HIV outbreak or ANY outbreak?

You would think and hope it is not just, scrambling to make phone calls in panic mode. Calling agents and talents asking, to honor the honor system. Would a panicked talent even remember all of who they had sex/worked with? Well, when considering that, content creators are busy with, content creation, on and off-set activities, would even recall everyone they have encountered explicitly? A much larger question would be, who their sexual partners also shared intimate sexual activity with? This is endless and on and on. So how does PASS tackle this exactly? Dying to know 

Funny how, CET and TTS ghosts PASS now. PASS is no longer relevant.

Ignore them, as God and his only son give them the middle finger.

Stay informed, and stay safe,


741423cookie-checkDaily Lie Den! Lie #666 PREP and Pigs. What PASS doesn’t want you to know

Daily Lie Den! Lie #666 PREP and Pigs. What PASS doesn’t want you to know

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3 Responses

  1. PASS was always viewed as a shill and a rogue outfit, behaving in the ways of a shady Shyster. They had talents duped for a long time. When there is an outbreak, only TTS and CET are those in the know, who actively work with talent agencies, FSC and anyone else it takes to identify and retest 1st and second-generation possibilities of transmission. What was PASS doing the entire time? Nothing but shilling and pretending they are doing something. No wonder, CET and TTS told them to get lost.
    Great article Cliff Hanger.

  2. Pass pretending to care about anything other than pandering for profits is a fucking riot. In terms of absolute greed or corruption, Pass may be even far worse than or equal to that of the pharmacutical industry. Their biggest crime ever to the Porn industry was using their politics to absolutely crush the wallets of the average Adult film industry perforner by manipulating talent and producers alike to adhere to a bi weekly nearly $200 charge in order to work.

    These mandates and high prices were put into effect with full knowldege that the average performer would be hired 1-2 times a month earning anywhere between $200-$600 per scene. If a peformer had a scene on the 3rd and the 23rd Pass would already be entitled to more than half of what that person would be earning on testing costs alone. This gives a whole new meaning to the term blood money.

    Pass having this gigantic craving for blood and dollars couldnt wait to bleed out every last cent or drop of blood from the industry and would pretend to care deeply for the lbgqtialmnop+ industry by merging them equally with the predominantly straight side knowing full well that over 99% of the HIV cases were part of the other side. However thanks to Prep and other Hiv suppresent drugs which are both ssentialy a trade off for kidney destroying poison in order to avoid Hiv or testing positive, Pass was able to merge everyones blood equally and turn all grind out all the blood from the pigs rancid or healthy alike into much wanted dollars. In short, Pass is pure fucking evil buisness and hopefuly the industry allows performers to use thier own health insurance or go to free testing sites in order to prevent this Swollen Rotten company from collecting another dollar of the backs of people who are desperately trying to survive and create more art into this world.

  3. Has PASS ever disclosed or discussed the effects of prolonged use of Prep or Truvada?
    Both eventually caused serous Liver and Kidney damage. Also, certain Psyche Meds cannot be taken while on Prep or Truvada,

    As I was browsing the web, I came across a paid sponsored AD, which stated these are safe while on PREP, as in safe to do meth while PrEP. lol As if that was not happening already, prior to being infected, or trying to avoid an infection. Maybe

    MDMA / Molly / Ecstasy, cocaine, crystal meth
    ED Meds (eg. Viagra, Cialis)*

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