Strange bedfellows indeed: Mark Kernes writes in his avninsider column:

“Now, I’m a Libertarian, and while I haven’t always been happy with that party’s nominees — Theresa “Darklady” Reed in Oregon is certainly one of their best — they’re the only ones on record in support of allowing the adult industry to practice its legal occupation(s). Trouble is, Libertarians, for the most part, don’t get elected. What to do?

Here’s my advice: Wait for near the end of the day before you vote, and listen to the exit-poll results. If the Democratic candidate is losing, vote for him/her, but if the Dem looks like a sure win, vote Libertarian.”

Mark, you should be ashamed and the Libertarians should ban you from any association. What you wrote in essence says ” You earned my respect by fighting for me when no one else would, even when it’s unpopular to do so, you stand up for me and support me much like a good wife would…BUT I am going to have a fling with this other whore and abandon you when you need MY support, never mind that this particular whore has robbed me, jilted me and fucked me over many times before, I just can’t help it it looks too damn good…sorry…but in the end I will throw you a mercy fuck if it’s not too inconvenient for me to do so.”

And you have the gall to call yourself a Libertarian? Gee with friends like you we damn sure don’t need enemies.

5770cookie-checkStrange bedfellows indeed: Mark Kernes writes in his avninsider column:

Strange bedfellows indeed: Mark Kernes writes in his avninsider column:

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