One billion laugh as former Pakistan High Commissioner mistakes porn star Johnny Sins for Kashmiri protester

In an attempt to put down India on Twitter, an ex-Pakistan envoy made himself look like a moron

An ex-Pakistan High Commissioner to India mistook American porn stud Johnny Sins for a stone-pelting Kashmiri man who lost his vision to gunfire.

Abdul Basit, the former High Commissioner of Pakistan to India, posted a Tweet to highlight the ‘ground reality’ of people in Kashmir bemoaning the deployment of Indian security forces to prevent any untoward incidents after India’s parliament repealed the state’s special status.

In the now-deleted tweet, Basit had shared a dramatic photograph bearing the caption: “Yousuf from Ananthnag [sic] lost vision from pellet… pls raise your voice.”

However, the photo Basit retweeted is, in actuality, a still from a porn movie. The man and the woman in the picture are performers Johnny Sins and Angelina Valentine in a scene for Brazzers (NSFW link).

The porn video, released in 2011, is entitled “Genital Hospital part 2”. Here are some other photos from the scene.

Abdul Basit, the former High Commissioner of Pakistan to India, mistakes porn star Johnny Sins for Kashmiri protester
PHOTO: Brazzers


One billion laugh as former Pakistan High Commissioner Abdul Basit mistakes porn star Johnny Sins for Kashmiri protester

Basit’s error is perhaps even more surprising because, as reported at Salon, data released by Google has revealed that six of the top eight porn-searching countries are Muslim states — and Pakistan tops the list at number one!


It’s important to note the context of the former High Commissioner’s tweet.

Article 370 of the Indian constitution provided special status to Jammu and Kashmir—a state in northern India and a part of the larger region of Kashmir, which has been the subject of dispute between India, Pakistan, and China since 1947—allowing it to have a separate constitution, its own flag, and autonomy over the internal administration of the state.

The government of India revoked this special status in August 2019 through a Presidential Order and the passage of a resolution in Parliament. Since that time, Pakistan has faced criticism across the globe for spreading fake news about Kashmir.

Pakistan-based journalist Naila Inayat was among the first to reveal the apparent gaffe by Basit:

Basin’s “Pray for Johnny Sins” incident comes only days after a Pakistani senator tagged the popular card game UNO instead of the United Nations in a tweet criticizing Indian prime Minister Narendra Modo regarding Kashmir.

Blunder by Basit: The High Commissioner must be high

Abdul Basit: dumbass.


Johnny Sins responded to the news Tuesday morning.

Not the first time

According to a post at encontro News, titled “Foto de paciente com câncer que está comovendo internautas é uma cena de filme pornô” (“Photo of cancer patient who is touching netizens is a porn movie scene”),  a pic of Johnny Sins and Angelina Valentine has been misused or misattributed least one other time. The same still from was posted by a Spanish Facebook user on her profile in 2016, in relation to the alleged ordeal of her brother who was suffering from terminal cancer.

h/t Tribune of India

503391cookie-checkOne billion laugh as former Pakistan High Commissioner mistakes porn star Johnny Sins for Kashmiri protester

One billion laugh as former Pakistan High Commissioner mistakes porn star Johnny Sins for Kashmiri protester

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7 Responses

  1. If this weren’t so macabre it would be hilarious. Unfortunately, someone got shot in the eye and this imbecilic asshat mistook Johnny Sins (who seems to be a very nice guy, at least he sees humor in it even if I don’t) for him. I know I don’t want anything to do with this fuck’s Fuckistan, they hid Osama Bin Laden for fuck’s sake and now they are shooting protesters in the fucking eyes! Some world leader should bomb the piss out of Fuckistan’s government officials then take it over and lead it as a non-Musslime country!

  2. Lots of rape in Desi countries like India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. Women aren’t safe in those countries.

  3. I just created this to tell you what I’m feeling after reading this
    First of all, I’m impressed with your writing
    “Article 370 of the Indian constitution provided special status to Jammu and Kashmir—a state in northern India and a part of the larger region of Kashmir, which has been the subject of dispute between India, Pakistan, and China since 1947—allowing it to have a separate constitution, its own flag, and autonomy over the internal administration of the state.
    The government of India revoked this special status in August 2019 through a Presidential Order and the passage of a resolution in Parliament” do you know what you did here? you’ve written what Western media like BBC, AlJazeera and India’s leftists liberals media didn’t.

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