AB 332 The statewide condom law passes again and appears now to be “On Call”.
Both sides made fair arguments but it was clear that AHF made the more fact based arguments while porners went for a more touchy feely approach, porners left the committee with the idea that we test for all STDs which is simply not true but the real nail in the coffin came when Jessie Rogers and Hayden Winters told stories of how they contracted Herpes and HPV and Herpes respectively. Both being SYDs that porn does NOT test for. the vote was 3-0 in favor of passage with 2 members abstaining and 2 not present. 4 Votes are needed to pass it.
5 Responses
AB332 Clears Another Hurdle http://t.co/kJUNAP7Xk4
Johnny Barcelona liked this on Facebook.
welcome to colorado
Yep this what get have FSC hard work for you all.
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