I wrote about it in this months Adult Stars Magazine but I feel the need to expand on it a bit further since it is getting out of hand. Tabitha and Jonathon Stern may or may not be married but they only work with each other, Tabitha doesn’t even do girl girl scenes. This is backed up in an email she sent to me a few months ago inquiring about work, I suggested a possible girl/girl scene for “Cori Love‘s Tighties” She replied that she did NOT do girl/girl. Jump ahead to a few weeks ago, Tabitha and Jonathon were booked to do a scene for Hustler, according to Tabitha, the Sterns made it very clear that they did not have current HIV tests, The Hustler people said that they were married and didn’t need one. When they arrive on the Hustler set they are asked for their current paperwork, including the HIV tests. They didn’t have HIV tests so they either made forged copies with altered dates or they already had them. Regardless the Hustler people didn’t like the looks of the tests and called AIM. BUSTED!!! Their last tests were over 6 months ago. Sharon Mitchell HWWIC at AIM posts to Adult Video News website that the couple is forging HIV tests. Now the Sterns are crying foul! Tabitha and her “Manager” Roy Garcia are saying that it is costing the Sterns a lot of work. OK here’s the rub y’all, at least as I see it.
To Mitch, AIM and other porners: If they are married and they only work with each other who gives a rats ass if they have an HIV test? They are not putting anyone at risk. Give me ONE example how this puts anyone at risk. I would not require them to have HIV tests. This is going a bit too far.
To Tabitha and Jonathon Stern: What you two did IS criminal! forging a test is at the very least fraud. You should simply have apologized, gotten back on the plane and returned home. Second, this is NOT what is costing you work, you choose to only work together and that is fine but any career you may have in porn is going to be very brief as a result. This is porn guys, it is not a way to turn your marriage into a money making deal, when you are in porn, you fuck. So if you are not getting work anymore don’t blame it on Sharon Mitchell it is time you two took responsibility for your own actions. Forging the tests was just the move that everyone needs to tell you they don’t want to shoot you. If you don’t believe me put the word out that you no longer work together exclusively and watch what happens.
The Groundhog saw his shadow today! BFD….
The big news the last couple of days has been the story about Atlanta Locals Tabitha and Jonathon Stern.
I wrote about it in this months Adult Stars Magazine but I feel the need to expand on it a bit further since it is getting out of hand. Tabitha and Jonathon Stern may or may not be married but they only work with each other, Tabitha doesn’t even do girl girl scenes. This is backed up in an email she sent to me a few months ago inquiring about work, I suggested a possible girl/girl scene for “Cori Love‘s Tighties” She replied that she did NOT do girl/girl. Jump ahead to a few weeks ago, Tabitha and Jonathon were booked to do a scene for Hustler, according to Tabitha, the Sterns made it very clear that they did not have current HIV tests, The Hustler people said that they were married and didn’t need one. When they arrive on the Hustler set they are asked for their current paperwork, including the HIV tests. They didn’t have HIV tests so they either made forged copies with altered dates or they already had them. Regardless the Hustler people didn’t like the looks of the tests and called AIM. BUSTED!!! Their last tests were over 6 months ago. Sharon Mitchell HWWIC at AIM posts to Adult Video News website that the couple is forging HIV tests. Now the Sterns are crying foul! Tabitha and her “Manager” Roy Garcia are saying that it is costing the Sterns a lot of work. OK here’s the rub y’all, at least as I see it.
To Mitch, AIM and other porners: If they are married and they only work with each other who gives a rats ass if they have an HIV test? They are not putting anyone at risk. Give me ONE example how this puts anyone at risk. I would not require them to have HIV tests. This is going a bit too far.
To Tabitha and Jonathon Stern: What you two did IS criminal! forging a test is at the very least fraud. You should simply have apologized, gotten back on the plane and returned home. Second, this is NOT what is costing you work, you choose to only work together and that is fine but any career you may have in porn is going to be very brief as a result. This is porn guys, it is not a way to turn your marriage into a money making deal, when you are in porn, you fuck. So if you are not getting work anymore don’t blame it on Sharon Mitchell it is time you two took responsibility for your own actions. Forging the tests was just the move that everyone needs to tell you they don’t want to shoot you. If you don’t believe me put the word out that you no longer work together exclusively and watch what happens.
The Groundhog saw his shadow today! BFD….
The big news the last couple of days has been the story about Atlanta Locals Tabitha and Jonathon Stern.
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Mike South
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