Hustler and Vivid, the UNTOLD Story:

A very reliable insider read my update and immediately called me with the inside line. Heres what we know for sure. Both Vivid’s National Sales Manager Howard Levine and Vivid Interactive National Sales Manager Jim Monroe will join LFP.

Word from my source tells me that this is just the first move in a complete assimilation of Vivid into LFP. Watch for the following to happen:

Contract girls are going to be phased out PDQ

So are condoms.

Hustler uber director Pierre Woodman and others will start lensing story driven features under the Hustler/Vivid Label. These will be along the same lines as Private has done.

Look for Hustler to use contemporary music Icons to phase into mainstream projects.

When you look at it this way the Vivid deal makes a LOT more sense, Vivid has solid name recognition, so does Hustler, with Hustler calling the shots Vivid could regain status with the “raincoaters” I wonder if Paul Thomas has his resume up to date?

3160cookie-checkHustler and Vivid, the UNTOLD Story:

Hustler and Vivid, the UNTOLD Story:

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Mike South

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