Government Employees Need Porn and We Need For Them To Have It

Amid the whole SEC thing (Thats NOT the South Eastern Conference)  I have come to the conclusion that in general it isn’t such a bad thing.  I figure if government officials are surfing porn they have both hands busy, one on the keyboard and one…well you get the idea…Now if both hands are busy it’s not possible to shove them into my pockets.

I am calling on all porners to do a public service and offer discounted rates to government employees and the higher up in government they are the cheaper the porn, Congressmen and Senators get it for free.  After all they are the ones that do the most damage, so let’s keep em busy.

My sites:

are both free to senators and congresspersons now, just send me an email and I will reply with your username and password.

Lower level government employees get discounted rates, email me for your rate based on your government job.

I’m calling on all porners to match my offer. It’s time we did something beneficial to society, here’s our chance.

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Government Employees Need Porn and We Need For Them To Have It

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Mike South

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