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Max Retrial Reset:

Max Hardcore was due to stand trial starting tomorrow, but the prosecutor is sick and has requested to move the trial date. No word on when the new one will be. His first trial ended in a hung jury.

Fashionistas Cleans Up:

At the AVN Awards last night Fashioinistas won damn near everything it was nominated for. The rest of the Awards were pretty evenly distributed.

Tera and Evan…Again:

No sign of them on the show floor since the last report, But I have learned that Tera has bought herself an engagement ring, yes you read that right, she bought it for herself. I have also learned that she bought Evan a Hummer. Seems he found himself a sugar mommy.

Gene Ross:

Word is that Gene’s mother has passed away and that he is taking it hard. My condolences go out to him.

Luke Ford:

He has been stalking the show looking for fodder for his new site, he cornered Carly Milne the other night firing question after question about AVN.

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