Riley Reynolds of Hussie Models Caught Recruiting 17 Year Old Child

Anyone who knows Riley Reynolds won’t be surprised to learn that he was in talks with an underage child, trying to convince them to do porn.

We can’t release all the details including the name of the victim, as this case is currently being investigated by local authorities in Florida as well as the FBI, but we have just found out that Riley Reynolds spoke to and recruited a performer who at the time was only seventeen years old.

Riley was very well aware that he was speaking with underage (you must be 18 to do porn).

There are multiple emails and text messages from Riley to the victim that discuss the age of the person in question, so there is no doubt that Riley knew he was talking to someone who was only 17 years old at the time.

We have spoken with the victim, the mother of the person, as well as two porn stars who – not knowing the person’s story, worked with this person when they came to Florida.

This person did end up doing some scenes, one specifically for his company Hussie Auditions. This person was also sent to do a job for a “collection” which as many of you know is just a fancy way of saying Riley sent this performer out to do a private or a hooking job.

I wished I could share with you the name of the person, who after working with Riley Reynolds and Hussie Models only a short time, has since left the industry altogether, but unfortunately, we don’t want to interfere with an ongoing investigation.

We weren’t flat out told we couldn’t talk about the details, just strongly warned against it. So yeah, we think for now we’ll let the feds do their things and then come back at you later with the details when we are allowed to say more.

We will eventually have more information as this story develops and we are allowed to do so.

Good luck worming your way out of this one Riley.

After the situation with the 15-year-old, a few years ago in Florida, you can’t say you didn’t know better.

Look at some of the mainstream media outlets that covered a story about this low life. And yet he still walks around with an attitude like all the little “teenyboppers” he’s taking advantage of are the stupid ones and in the wrong, not him.


293000cookie-checkRiley Reynolds of Hussie Models Caught Recruiting 17 Year Old Child

Riley Reynolds of Hussie Models Caught Recruiting 17 Year Old Child

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22 Responses

  1. Wow! It just keeps getting worse with Riley Reynolds. Now involvement with underaged potential recruits? Is anyone interviewing his recruits? Jason Woolery, Mathew Leshinsky and the newest guy Ryan? Not without mentioning “house Mom” and recruiter Teresa Hardman. Her recruitment videos are still up on YouTube under Hussie Models and those girls on camera don’t appear to be on his roster anymore?

    Do they realize they fall under this investigation and lawsuit Riley has going on? One of his male talent Great Bambino who is José Cubeddu is the same recruiter you are making reference about the 15 year old girl from Florida who got recruited by way of Las Vegas by these three musketeers, Riley Reynolds, John O’Bryne and Jose Cubeddu aka Bambino back then in 2011.

    Also Jeffrey Greenberg, manager and CPA of Reality Kings and property owner of the house where the crime was committed did the booking for Reality Kings.

    Mr. Greenberg still owns the house in Plantation, Florida and it is famously called the CumFiesta house.. I understand it is used quite often for porn shoots according to a report I saw and Internet images distinctly shows it is the same house.

    I also understand that because of this incident back in 2011 and the court docket papers were sealed and a settlement was made to the mother of the 15 year old girl.

    Reality Kings tighten up their ID process because of this court filing. So Riley is most likely thinking he flies under the radar by recruiting underage girls and boys or his recruiters and just justify his actions as long as he books them when they are of legal age? But that does not cover up intent.

    Like he notariously said in Hot Girls Wanted”. There is always a girl that turns eighteen every day”. Now that applies to young men too.

    He is what I call an intentional predator and holds absolutely no conscience about who he exploits or hurts in the process. Of course for his own financial gain illegally in the State of Florida.

  2. I had Melody Marie (stage name) come to my Studio at age 17 and wanted to get into Porn & NOT the First time as happen to me, I told all Models they had to wait till their 18th Birthday, Melody Marie did her First XXX Porn 3 days after her Birth Day, SO WHAT! Yes Girls come to My studios ages 16-17 looking for Work, but not till their 18 years of Age!

  3. More Like Girls ages 17 want to be Recruited and Contacting us Producer sound like it!

  4. If you are cool dealing with underage kids man that’s on you. As for the rest of us in the adult industry, we prefer to stick with what’s legal. Good luck with that whole 16/17 year old thing though. Hope it works out for ya.

  5. I find the whole “today she is 17 so she is a child but tomorrow she turns 18 so now she is an adult” thing to be muddled. What difference does 24 hours make in the grand scheme of things?

    Of course if she is 13 then thats a whole other matter.

  6. Thank you Jinglemeir and Karmafan for responding first to this alleged producer “Almostsinful”. I don’t know why he is using fictions name for one and claiming to be a producer?

    I don’t work in the porn industry but do in the film industry and every producer I know would not hide behind their shadows with a phony name? Unless they were doing something wrong?

    Maybe this is really Riley Reynolds or one of his posse trying to contradict me? First amendment rights here, everyone has an opinion and right to speak still.

  7. UNLESS you are out recruiting minors how would they even KNOW where your studio is or that you shoot porn?
    Having minors show up to your studio should freak you out not be business as usual & no big deal. Having anyone show up Uninvited is just weird.

  8. This is a message for Riley Reynolds recruiter and buddy, Jason Woolery, don’t ever threaten me again asshole! Your phone calls and text are not going to intimidate me. I will not give you the satisfaction to communicate with me directly. You can discuss your threats of retaliation with Florida law enforcement with all your illegal dealings with Riley Reynolds. Aka…Jay Bank 18Auditions and aka J. B. Wong. If I know all about you what do you think a Federal Investigator can find out about you? Plenty you idiot.

  9. Jay M. F. Bank is another alias/ porn performer name for Jason Woolery. He is currently shooting porn with himself and Asian pornstars in NYC. Another illegal business he is operating. I happen to be in Manhattan right now Jason. I know law enforcement here too pal.

  10. Jason Woolery is also Larry ‘Large Money’ Levine. He also is now Jay Bank in other social media pages. This guy calls my office line on October 19th by his cell with caller ID as Jason Woolery but 24 hours later he has his cell phone number changed to another name? Check it out? All background reports will give you information on a cell or landline number. His number is 305 367-1286. It also shows up in advertisements for Hussie Models on a Google search. I think he has something to hide? should allow you to be able to attach an image for proof from their viewers/supporters? If so I got plenty of proof to share. BTW Jason I am still waiting to hear from your mysterious/fictious lawyer? Is his name Inside Jay?

  11. This Guy is a Joke. Good news like a small flame they burn out. No one will keep feeding the flame wood and fan it for long.

    Into the mud scumbag Riley

  12. shoot her at 1200am when she turns 18 years of AGE HAPPY BIRTHDAY PORN!!! She IS LEGAL!! make HUGE $$$!

  13. The Worst is When Parents or Mom’s ask to assist getting their Daughters into Porn 🙁 Happen to me 3 times! 🙁

  14. Saw a video of a HM audition and Lily Radar fucked guys in a GB and there is Riley in the video. Riley is finger fucking her, getting his dick sucked, and nailing her as well. How unprofessional is that? You wouldn’t see Mark Spiegler or Derek Hey doing that shit.

  15. Riley being talent in the industry doesn’t bother me (other than the fact that he reportedly has herpes outbreaks from time to time and works while in an outbreak). However, him “auditioning” potential talent does. A girl shouldn’t have to fuck Riley and his friends to get on his roster. Essentially bragging about that with his website selling footage of these “auditions” is worse yet. Mark and Derek wouldn’t do that, I agree with Karma on that one (and Derek was talent before transitioning to representing talent) and hope a different kind of karma (jail bubba dick up his ass) reaches Riley very soon.

  16. That’s exactly what bothers me about Riley. He has a herpes outbreak, some new girl has no idea about testing and/or infections and bam now on her first scene out she’s got herpes FOR LIFE. Fuck Riley. May he burn in hell.

  17. As long as someone is upfront about having herpes and isn’t in an active outbreak I can live with having talent with herpes in the business. If a performer tries to hide herpes I have a big problem with it.

    The “auditions” to get on the Hussie Models roster bother me much more. Talent shouldn’t have to participate in a casting couch scenario with gay sex and a gangbang rolled into one to have a chance at getting represented by a third rate hellhole agency (there is a recent article here at Mike South showing a picture of Riley Reynolds’ dick in another guy’s ass while the other guy’s dick was in an 18 year old girl — taken from Riley’s “auditions” site). I had thought the industry got rid of the casting couches decades ago until Riley’s imbecilic ass started flaunting them in everyone’s faces. What a fucking scumbag! Riley needs to stick to the gay side of the industry when performing — he looked like he was about to cum in that picture of his dick up another guy’s ass! Him dragging some 18 year old girl probably losing her virginity performing in that scene while shoving his dick up a gay guy’s ass at the same time — what a fucking scumbag and what a sorry ass way for the poor girl to have sex for the first time in her fucking life!!!!! I would hope that she had lost her virginity to someone she liked before starting porn but at 18 that isn’t likely (I hope she was 18, there is an article on this site where he was told to be recruiting 17 year old HS juniors into the industry). At least have her lose her virginity (or simply have an easygoing first scene if she wasn’t a virgin at the time) in a scene with some class and without man to man sex in it — maybe in a Jacky St. James spectacular or some New Sensations scene, not in one of Riley’s gay sex fests!

  18. So glad other people who work in the adult industry and mainstream media are recognizing the indescretions of Riley Reynolds and his companies Hussie Models and Hussie Auditions.

    Now he uses a new tag line name Hussie Pass as a distraction to all this negative advertising he has received. Let’s don’t forget his recruiter and possible partner, Jason Woolery who operates the same way in NYC. He never uses male talent in his scenes because he wants to be the the exclusive male talent of his sleazy auctions footage.

    He threatens me in a message of lawyer retaliation for expressing my first amendment right. No calls, no letters from this alleged lawyer! Lol!! I certainly wasn’t holding my breath on either.

    I wonder how Riley Reynolds Investigation is going with the FBI and his civil lawsuit with Lenna Lux in Pinnellas County, Florida? Last posting it appears Riley’s lawyer didn’t produce the documentation request for discovery.

  19. Pinellas County, FL, huh? Their claim to fame is providing the 12 idiots on the Casey Anthony jury that almost certainly took large bribes to find Casey not guilty of the murder that we all know she committed. Now their courts get a case where idiot and Netfux star Riley Reynolds and his attorney commit contempt of court not complying with a subpoena (at least in Michigan discovery usually comes in the form of a subpoena) in a court case. Normally that would be an arrest and jail time until Riley complies with the subpoena request. However, since Pinellas County is known to not have the most intelligent people in the court system Riley might be able to convince the judge to let him skate scot-free on the civil suit in exchange for sucking the dick of some high-up official in the court there (he is known to fuck man ass and the picture is right here on Mike South, I feel sorry for the “beard” woman in the picture — he probably sucks man dick, too) or paying the judge off and getting the case dismissed.

  20. Florida is full of morons, hell they can’t even figure out how to hold elections without fucking it up. Been that way since the days of George W, Bush. We sent men to the moon but FLA. can’t figure out how to have an accurate and honest election. How they gonna catch a porn mope like Riley Reynolds?

  21. You guys are hilarious with your responses. I beg to differ of thinking all Floridians are idiots. I am a born and raised Floridian and I am no ones fool. Riley can’t get a talent license in the State of Florida for a reason. No Tallahassee knows what and whothey are dealing with.

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