Former porn agent Scottie Ohanian had his day in court of Friday and it looks like he took a plea deal. Although we aren’t aware of all the details of the deal, from what I’m being told, it looks like the “deal” does include all six charges. Which if I am to understand my source correctly is unusual.

Here is what my source had to say about the matter… “Normally when they plea out a case like this they drop the smaller charges like Theft $650 – $3500 and just do a deal on the bigger charge(s). In this case they didn’t drop any of the lesser charges. All 6 charges stand so whatever deal he took, means he’ll get a certain amount of time for a fine for each individual charge.”
This includes a charge for 1st degree burglary, which is a category B felony in Nevada, punishable by between 1 to 10 years in prison, and a fine up to $10,000.
As he took a deal, it’s likely they’ll go light on him in sentencing so he’ll probably (if my source is accurate) serve the minimum time for each of the 6 charges.
As he has been in custody since November, by the time his sentencing hearing comes around on march 5, 2019, he’ll have quite a bit of credit already racked up.
Scottie Ohanian is 37 years old and originally from up north, we he also served time in prison for fraud and currently has an open warrant for his arrest for violation of his parole. Scottie Ohanion started an adult talent agent in around 2015 which he would later rename to Plush Talent. As one of the only agents in the New York area he was rather successful, because I mean, who did he really have to compete with? Almost no legit agent books talent in the New York area.
He eventually moved to Los Angeles and most recently to Las Vegas where he was eventually arrested on these 6 latest charges.
We’ll update you as more information becomes available.
8 Responses
Maybe he boosted some cheese and got caught?
I would guess that his sentences will be concurrent (served all at the same time) and he will get one or two years if the sentencing range in the article is correct. I don’t know if Nevada has “good time” but if they do he could be out (or sent to the state where the open warrant is out of) by June. Scottie may not see the inside of the Nevada prison and do all of his time in jail as a result. He is probably already some fellow inmate’s bitch (he needs protection from other inmates that would otherwise beat his ass regularly) and probably does all of his laundry, gives him all of his commissary and likely gives his prison dom “head” at least three times a week. Scottie also likely has a loose as a goose asshole out of all of this.
Karms, “boosting” a block or two of cheese would be a low class misdemeanor and he would have got 15 days in jail at the most. The cocksucker just plead to six counts of stealing between $650 and $3500. The $3500 charge is a felony as the article states. Scottie is going to get significant time out of this but since he will have served four months at sentencing with good time (if Nevada has that option) he could be on his way to his paroling state by June.
I think he was just being funny about Trinity LOL
Whoops! Sorry, Karma. I bet he has “boosted” a block or two of cheese in his day — or maybe a couple of steaks, the latest issue of some homosexual nudie mag complete with pictures of extra scummy cocksucker and (morally but not legally) murderer Jaxton Wheeler sucking the dick of some Treasure Island Media AIDS infected “stud” and a dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts (I think Scottie would use the doughnuts as a hole and stroke his dick with them) under his jacket is more his style.
Matthew Harris – Do you confide in your therapist your deviant, violent, prison-related fantasies? And is your family aware?
Hop, do you confide to your psychiatrist your fantasies of getting fucked up the ass by every Treasure Island Media AIDS infected homosexual scumbag on the face of the earth? Do you also confide to your psychiatrist about your fantasies of shooting up so much meth that your head explodes? Now fuck off, cocksucker!
BTW, I wish they were only fantasies. Unfortunately, at least in Michigan they are facts. Now go take Marc Wallice’s dick up your prolapsed asshole, Hop!