Clover Back in Trouble: Arrested with Guns, Drugs and $15,000 in Costa Mesa

After all the revelations about Clover, it’s shocking and disheartening that anyone would ever allow him back into the adult community, either as a performer, a hanger-on, a boyfriend, or even a friggin’ cum towel jockey. He’s a violent, substance-abusing fuck-up and this was bound to happen again. In fact, we at have warned the women around him that trouble would follow with him. This is one time where it really sucks to have been right. He was picked up last weekend with loaded handguns, drugs and cash in his possession after holding off police for more than 13 hours in a Costa Mesa home Saturday.

From today’s L.A. Times and a report from The Costa Mesa Police Department:

Disgraced adult performer Clover, a.k.a. Casey Daniel Purser, 31, pleaded not guilty to drug, weapons and other charges following his arrest Saturday, Sept. 29 in Costa Mesa.

Purser, 31, of Sherman Oaks, was arrested with guns, drugs and cash in his possession after holding off police for more than 13 hours in a Costa Mesa home Saturday, authorities said.

He was with a woman in her home in the 800 block of Brickyard Lane when officers responded to a report of suspicious circumstances at about 3:20 a.m., police said.

According to police, Clover had threatened to harm her before she ran downstairs and out the front door. Police said Clover chased her downstairs but stayed inside.

Police made several unsuccessful attempts to call Clover, and detectives watched the house until Purser stepped outside with a backpack at about 5 p.m. and was arrested, police said.

The backpack contained two loaded 9mm handguns, drugs including 12 grams of cocaine and 17 Adderall pills and $15,000 in cash, police said.

Photos posted on Instagram by the Costa Mesa Police Department show guns, drugs and cash that police say they found when they arrested Clover. He is suspected of selling narcotics,

Clover was booked on an outstanding Orange County bench warrant and on suspicion of making criminal threats, exhibiting a firearm, possession of a controlled substance with intent to sell, possession of a controlled substance while armed and resisting/delaying arrest, police said.

He pleaded not guilty Monday to three felony and two misdemeanor counts.

Clover will be back in Orange County Superior Court October 10

Porn Performer Clover Back in Trouble: Arrested with Guns, Drugs and $15,000 in Costa Mesa

A history of violence

Clover has a very lengthy arrest record.

According to published reports, on October 1, 2007, shortly after being released from jail on a drug charge, Clover returned to his apartment to find his dog Toby had an accident on the carpet. Clover attempted to drown the dog in his bathtub.

Some neighbors heard the commotion and rescued the dog, with one of them performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. They then took the dog to a vet, running part of the way due to traffic. They were successful and Toby was ok.

TMZ and other media outlets picked up the story:

Clover’s October 2007 mugshot


Clover pleaded no contest to one count of animal cruelty. He was sentenced to one year in county jail and five years of probation, which included the caveat that he could not be around, own, or possess any animal. He was released on April 30, 2009.

Clover entered the adult business in 2013, and quickly racked up an impressive number of movie credits and a reputation as a reliable performer.

However, he also built up a lengthy rap sheet in 2013-2014: including a DUI in which he allegedly blew twice the legal limit, as well as multiple charges of domestic violence against his then-girlfriend, well-known makeup artist Jenn Marie Jaen.

He was released from jail in Los Angeles on January 7, 2015 having been remanded into custody on Nov. 17 in a Van Nuys courtroom. Clover had been given the choice of either accepting a plea deal or standing trial on charges stemming from a May 2014 beating of Jaen. In addition to jail time, Clover was sentenced to 3 years probation, and one year of Domestic Violence classes.

Additionally, the Los Angeles County court ordered Clover to stay away from alcohol, and places where alcohol is sold, upon his release. According to Morgan Lee, Clover did not fulfill that condition.

Jaen later stated that Clover had also brutally attacked her in Las Vegas, in May 2014.

“He beat me up in a hotel,” said Jaen. “He dragged me out of the bed by my feet. I hit my head hard on the bed frame and started crying. He started mocking me and said he’d give me a real reason to cry. [He] just started shoving me, hitting me, punching… I fell on the floor and he kicked my stomach, and before he left the room he poured a whole bottle of vodka on my face while I was on the floor crying. Then he threw the bottle at my head.”

“I tried calling for help from the hotel phone. He threw the phone away from me so I didn’t think it went through, but it did. It went through to the Front Desk. It just so happened that the head of hotel security was standing there, and [the] front desk handed her the phone. She heard everything, or at least enough to come up to the room with 2 other security guards — but Clover [had] bailed already.”

Morgan Lee and Clover in Las Vegas, January 2015


On January 24, 2015, during the AEE show in Las Vegas, Clover was arrested for beating up his new girlfriend, adult starlet Morgan Lee, and for felony possession of a controlled substance (cocaine). Clover was held on $8,000 bail, and released on Jan. 25.

Morgan Lee shared photos of her injuries online

She also revealed that it was Clover who caused her injuries back in October 2014.

Morgan Lee in the hospital, October 19, 2014


Clover’s talent agent, ATMLA dropped him as a result of the Las Vegas attack on Morgan Lee.

On January 30, while in court for a restitution hearing related to the May 2014 domestic battery of Jaen, Clover was taken into custody and jailed for violating the terms of his probation. (Having criminal charges filed against him in Las Vegas constituted a violation of the terms of his probation.)

In June 2015, he pleaded no contest to a charge of Domestic Battery (1st) before Judge Melanie Andress-Tobiasson in Las Vegas. And in October he was found guilty of felony Battery with Substantial Bodily Harm, and sentenced to probation by District Court Judge Douglas E. Smith.

A restraining order was requested against him in February of this year in Orange County Superior Court pertaining to allegations of domestic violence.

And in May of this year, Clover was again arrested in Orange County, for Brandishing / Exhibiting a Deadly Weapon. He faces four felony counts and three misdemeanor counts related to criminal threats, brandishing a weapon and being in possession of a controlled substance with intent to sell.

Recently, another female adult performer confirms to, Clover mistreated her dog by locking him in a dark bathroom with no food or water. The doggie is currently in an animal hospital.

What a piece of human garbage. I look forward to reporting on your long prison sentence, Clover.

289683cookie-checkClover Back in Trouble: Arrested with Guns, Drugs and $15,000 in Costa Mesa

Clover Back in Trouble: Arrested with Guns, Drugs and $15,000 in Costa Mesa

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10 Responses

  1. Clover Clamp strikes again, huh? I know I wouldn’t want to hire him for any job on any of my sets. Since he evidently has a propensity to beat on women non-consensually what would he do to the unfortunate makeup artist, female performer, director, “cum towel jockey”, cameraman, production assistant or whomever happened to bear the brunt of his anger management problem that day. Clover Clamp needs to get some Haldol, cut his dick and balls off (so he can’t perform in adult film ever again) and get the fuck out of this industry!

    By looking at Clover Clamp’s face he got the business end of a cop’s nightstick or foot. How much did he resist arrest to earn that from the Costa Mesa Police Department?

    I also think Clover Clamp and Riley “I Kick The Shit Out Of Little Girls” Reynolds need to be locked in a six by eight cell together with nothing but the clothes on their backs (limited to a T-Shirt, a pair of boxers and a pair of shorts), two baseball bats and two lead pipes while wearing boots with steel toes! The one that kills the other gets to live with bubba for the next 30 years, the one that dies gets hanged by the ankles in the Chatsworth town square for a week as an example to other scumbags in the adult film industry (Rob Black, Leigh Raven and Nikki Hearts — here’s looking at you as all three of you deserve to be hanged by your own ankles after having your anal sphincters pierced by a pitchfork tine 50 times each, left alive and left hanging, deprived of shelter, food and water until you die painfully).

  2. Dr. Matthew Harris:

    What sets do you operate?

    Also, please relax. You seem a bit worked up.

  3. Troll, Hop

    I said I “wouldn’t want to”, not simply that I wouldn’t. That alone should signify that I don’t work in the adult film industry. BTW, Hop Sing doesn’t strike me as your legal name or a form of it. Are you Clover Clamp’s pimp or something? Go troll on some other site — 4Chan or Anonymous would be good sites for you to troll someone on. I bet Paul Morris at Treasure Island Media would hire you to do one of his “200 Poz Loads” movies — just swallow a truckload of Truvada the day before your gay sex scene.

    With Hate,
    Matthew Harris

    P. S. Sorry I don’t have Ph. DD’s for you to play with — I am of the wrong gender and they don’t pass those out at universities. Maybe Bonnie Rotten or Tana Lea would let you play with theirs. I hope they have taken a shower or bath in the past two months when you do, though.

  4. According to the Orange County Superior Court website, Clover has three 3 year concurrent sentences that will be served at the same time. However, he also has a 4 year consecutive sentence that he has to serve before starting on the other three. The four year sentence is non-parole which means he serves it all before he can even think about starting the other sentences and cannot be paroled on it. My guess is he will serve about six years — the four year non-parole sentence and then the other three parole-eligible concurrent sentences. Clover Clamp will also likely “meet” some bubbas at the CDC, I hope he goes to someplace like San Quentin or Soledad where the worst of the worst are housed.

  5. He really is a ticking time bomb. On the bright side, Morgan Lee has returned to the industry after a long break.

  6. Blue, Clover is definitely a ticking time bomb. Fortunately, he is now in a place where when he blows up he will likely get his ass kicked by a bunch of Crips, Bloods, Latin Kings or Nazi Low Riders. Hopefully he doesn’t find drugs in prison and can finally sober up. I think Clover is one of those people that gets mean on drugs and/or alcohol and is probably a reasonable person when he has been sober for a while. Prison can teach him that lesson, it is possible to get drugs in prison but when he blows it won’t be on some innocent teenaged girl but instead he will blow on a gangbanger and get a painful lesson.

  7. Prison is full of ticking time bombs. Prisoners love pretty boys with bad attitudes. He is no War Machine so he gonna be someones bitch pretty quickly.

  8. Clover Clamp is probably getting some dick up his ass nightly from his cellie and several Nazi Low Riders. He will likely come out of the CDCR with AIDS, gonorrhea, chlamydia, a snotty dick, syphilis and HPV. Of course the authorities won’t treat AIDS and he will likely die in prison if he gets it. That would be best for society and for the women of Los Angeles and Orange Counties as well as the people at AVN every year. He will have a job waiting for him if he gets out, though — at Treasure Island Media where owner and director Paul Morris loves to use people with AIDS to spread it to more people. Clover Clamp will likely be a one man AIDS infection spree in Los Angeles, Orange County, San Francisco and Marin if he gets it while he is in prison (which is almost a certainty) and manages to survive no treatment while in prison. Maybe Clover Clamp will surprise us and join the Nazi Low Riders, be a bubba and fuck twinks up the ass in prison — I guess he has probably found out by now. That is unlikely considering his body build and the fact that he had been doing drugs constantly before his arrest and incarceration but I guess anything is possible.

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