Cal OSHA Meeting Tomorrow

Wednesday’s meeting will be discussing a petition filed by AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) on December 17, 2009, which seeks to require adult film producers to improve safety on adult film sets.

Specifically to enforce condom use (which Cal-OSHA says is already required).

Provide Hepatitis B vaccine to all performers at the producer’s expense.

Provide Blood Borne Pathogen Protection training to all performers at the producer’s expense.

Provide anti-HIV drugs to any performer who comes in contact with any blood or other “potentially infection materials” during a performance at the producer’s expense.

Provide comprehensive testing and treatment for other STDs, again at the producer’s expense.

According to an FSC press release, the subcommittee will also consider standards revisions proposed by FSC, which were developed with input from OSHA compliance experts and adult industry stakeholders.

“It is my hope that this meeting is not designed to carry the political agenda of AHF and others like them, who know nothing about the adult industry but wish to regulate and control it,” FSC Executive Director Diane Duke said. “Whether CalOSHA will listen to the real stakeholders of this issue remains to be seen.”

Wednesday’s meeting is the second of four meetings scheduled to address regulations for blood borne pathogen standards for adult industry productions. An additional subcommittee meeting will be followed by a CalOSHA Board of directors meeting, to be held at a to-be-announced location in the Bay Area in October.

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Cal OSHA Meeting Tomorrow

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