This comes to me from Wankus at

Jill Kelly Productions Contract Girl Defends Herself in Heartfelt E-Mail to


(San Fernando Valley, CA) — I was worried about her, so I sent her yet another e-mail, even though she bailed, never called, wrote or appeared for her weekly show. Monday night, she finally got in touch with me and gave me detailed reasons for disappearing and grateful, apologies.

Star E. Knight’s contract with Jill Kelly Productions (JKP), really didn’t cross paths with us over at KSEX, but in her e-mail, she speaks frankly about her contract, alleges mistreatment of talent in general by large companies in the industry and personal feelings of being taken advantage of. While some of Knight’s candor, may be presented as fact, it should be known that what you read is one side of a story. Knight also never points a finger directly at JKP, but makes it clear to offer them no apologies.

——-Original Message——-
From: Wankus
To: Star E. Knight
Subject: RE: where are you, Starrrrrrrr
Honey, I am a big supporter of yours. I begged to get you on the air, I chased you more then any talent that works for us.

For the last month, I have been very worried about you. Worried to the point that I was about to call authorities, since everyone claimed to not know where you are.

JKP blow ups have nothing to do with us. I really wish you would get in touch with me, even by email and tell me if you’re done with KSEX so we can just move on and replace your spot. We’d love to have you stay on the team, since the fans adore you, but if you don’t want the gig, please be considerate enough to tell me. I hope you’re well.


—–Original Message—–
From: Star E. Knight
To: Wankus
Subject: RE: where are you, Starrrrrrrr
I’m very sorry for being unprofessional and upsetting you, and all of the good people at KSEX. There is no excuse for my disregard to some great peeps who really did care about me. You are right, you have nothing to do with JKP “screw-ups” and I never associated the two…however I do not feel like I can go on pretending I am someone who I am not, and I feel that I must give up my position at KSEX as co-host…though I have read that KSEX has already replaced me…and I say good for them for moving on.

Replacing co-hosts is something that KSEX has had to do quite a bit this year, and it only shows their strength and courage in this world of loss.

I have no excuses…only respect enough to do what was requested of me…return an email with a word. I have apologized for the disrespectful way I have treated some undeserving folks such as the staff at KSEX, however, I do not apologize for my decisions regarding companies, which I will refrain from mentioning, who simply mistreat and use young women for all they can weasel out of them when it is a situation that I believe the women should be control of….umm…..their bodies??? Their sexuality????

Regardless of whether or not a woman decides to give it up for an audience or viewers, a woman still has the right to do so in certain degrees. And when big companies pressure and threaten…the game suddenly becomes unfair.

Well, I am proud to say that I am not among the girls who grin and bear this game any longer. I am taking control of my own life. JKP can go and make whatever money they can milk out of the movies I’ve helped them to create, but they can no longer stand in my way to grasping what I truly want out of life. I’m sure there a lot of “I told you so’s” and clickings of tongue in the industry among the people who gave me great advice that I chose not to take. I can clearly say I have made a mistake; however, I have no regrets as I learn from every mistake I ever make. I tell those people…let me live my own life…make my own mistakes…I prefer it that way.

Power to JKP…they are a feature company who has great potential in this industry…so long as THEY can keep THEIR act together and remember that keeping their girls happy is what will make them the best company and the most profits. I say in closing…I apologize to those with good souls who I have disrespected in this time of figuring myself out. I do NOT however, apologize to Jill Kelly Productions. I owe them nothing…I waited until my contract was up for renegotiation, and I decided not to re-sign.

Sincerely, Star E. Knight

The management at would like to wish Star all the best in her future endevours, and would like to extend an open invitation to return to service, should she so desire.
Now if anyone knows the scoop on Shyla…that’s one I wanna hear!

7000cookie-checkThis comes to me from Wankus at

This comes to me from Wankus at

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