Porno Dan Makes A Statement

My Intention was to Ignite an Apathetic Industry and to show them that No ONE Person should be Able Dictate when Production Happens. 

Diana Duke is the NOT the Czar of Porn and Did NOT Consult the Agents or TTS, Press Release to Follow Tomorrow.


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Porno Dan Makes A Statement

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41 Responses

  1. Good for him. I must admit he’s making a statement, but the statement isn’t just “Fuck the FSC, they can’t tell me what to do.”

    The statement seems to be “I shoot condom only, therefore I feel comfortable shooting.” I could be wrong, but that’s my impression.

  2. pornodan is acting again like the pathetic self centered douche he is. Had the FSC taken the “time” to “consult” like he said with ALL the agents and TTs that would have taken a whole day at least just to get a hold of everyone and therefore put more performers at risk. He craves the attention and the only way he knows how to get any is by being controversial. There IS risks shooting during a moratorium even with condoms…It also sends a horrible message to the mainstream media who will as usual only see the big lines “Porn Producers continue to shoot during HIV scare”. Defying the FSC is beyond stupid. The FSC may be incompetent on some levels but they are not the enemy here.

  3. Individuals like porno dan make this industry looks careless. There’s already several agencies that have black listed him for unsanitary environment and forcing the girls to drink alcohol before scenes. He is the ultimate porn scumbag guy that AHF and all the anti-porn crusaders are looking for. He already stained this business by appearing in a documentary where he gives this industry a horrible rep. pornodan you are truly a pathetic little boy.

  4. Just because performers tested negative so shortly after a case popped up doesn’t mean they are clean. HIV can take time to show up. Saying “fuck you” to the FSC is nice, but not when you do it in a manner where talent could be at harm.

  5. @Lacey
    In a normal setting there is a chance that an infected person is in the pool. Well, now we know there was one. That’s the difference. We know of an HIV case now instead of just hoping that there isn’t one. One should use extra caution now if they are going to perform. Jumping right back into production is not using extra caution. True, extra caution doesn’t mean much when dealing with hookers, but what else do you have?

  6. Something id like to point out here that seems to go unnoticed
    There are a LOT of HIV+ performers in gay porn, mostly they use condoms always.

    We always have girls shooting with crossover performers

    so wheres the logic? a dozen gay performers with HIV and lots of exposures working daily and no moratorium and no condoms all blessed by the FSC

    One HIV + performer from the straight side and a moratrium even if condoms are used…sorry but I fail to see the logic. Im not saying anyone should shoot during the moratorium but I am pointing out how ridiculous this whole fucking thing is
    and yes this is gonna be a post LOL

  7. I’ll wait to see what PornoDan says.
    Meanwhile….the autonomy of small business owners is their right. Exercising autonomy leaves them free for good and bad of those choices.
    Guilt by association is a direct result of exercising that autonomy and relegating affiliation to contracted revenue streams.

    Mainstream isn’t giving porn a bad name…porn is giving porn a bad name.

  8. Okay, you are definitely trying to have it both ways now. Mike South: “FSC doesn’t call stoppages fast enough, no one looking out after + test”. After fast stoppage: “Well, these stoppages are so arbitrary, they let gay shoots happen all the time”. Either you want the stoppages in place and to happen or you don’t. But, to harp on slow response and then say the action is “ridiculous”, means the response time was never a concern. If you don’t buy the action why would the response time matter?

  9. Thank you webmaster for exposing PORNO DAN for what he is, other douchebags also may include fox modeling for allowing her to work during the moritorium, looks like TTS told DAN it was ok to work no one else was positive, and lets not forget everyone else who said it would be okay as long as they wore condoms. I guess that’s enough douchebags for now. To be continued.

  10. Does it count as a condom shoot if you cut the tops off all your Trojans? My best friend worked with Dan and they only pretended to have protected sex… Ugh.

  11. Why are people bashing Porno Dan when the real issue here is TJ Cummings?

    I don’t get it. It’s not like Dan is going to use girls who have had contact with TJ Cummings. So if they haven’t touched TJ Cummings explain to me how they could possibly have STD’s, even after retesting before shoots?

    Ok Logic Folks. Logic tells me that TJ Cummings had a sugar daddy that paid him to have anal sex. Most likely unprotected most likely shared amongst more sugar daddies for more money. All these Cross-Over Pieces of Trash are the ones spreading disease in this industry.

    Sure you still have idiots like Alex Gonz who have probably never done gay escorting and still got Hep C maybe injecting something, maybe he had it through birth like before.

    Right now there is one thing Actors, Actresses, Photographers, Producers and Directors have TO DO. They must ban all cross-over performers from straight porn sets.

    We all know exactly who has done cross-over work and who has not. Apparently people in the industry KNEW TJ Cummings was doing all this gay escorting, and NOBODY SAID ANYTHING!

    The answers are all there as plain as the day is bright. I don’t understand how I can see this from a computer screen, yet people in porn valley just don’t seem to get it!!!

  12. @CPan –
    I understand and agree, but couldn’t you realistically say the talent pool is SAFER now than it was last week? See where I’m going with this…..?

  13. Ummm… and what happens when a straight performer does gay escorting because it pays more? Or, what happens when a girl has sex with a john who is bi? Or, maybe a performer does an orgy where no one knows who’s actually straight and who’s gay? (not JUST on-set.)
    It’s not that simple.

  14. Fuck Diane Duke!

    I hope Dan films today and shoves this all in everyones faces.

    As long as cross-over performers are kept out the disease will go away!

  15. and @WickedArmstrong I love how you have been bashing Dan all day on twitter.

    Let me ask Brad Armstrong, AVN Award Winning Director a Question:

    Did you hire TJ Cummings this year for a feature film?
    Has Dan hired TJ Cummings?

    That’s right, condom or not you hired the cross-over and he brought HIV to the industry. How about you do everyone in the industry and send a real message to the industry:


  16. @mdxxx
    Why would anyone say something about gay escorting? Do you really think the agents, producers or IC performers are gonna shout they don’t approve when they are taking a cut…screw that..they are bragging how much they are making! Doesn’t matter if it’s gay or straight…the only way to get gay out of straight porn is to take the dicks out of porn…ain’t gonna happen.

  17. Hey; Yeah, No more crossovers and or Bisexual MALE performers, PERIOD ! Me and my Wife are sickened by this very ignorant run Industry that used to be very good at one point and has been over run by Nazi run talent agencies that turn female pornstars into hookers, and have GAY crossover MEN, bringing HIV and other shit into porn.

    You were all crying about the government not getting involved when they pushed the condom mandate back in Novemeber 2012 and YOU see why? WHAT A BUNCH OF STUPID MOFOS, No wonder you’re all in porn. What needs to done now is , get rid of all those assholes at FSC and if it has to be Brad Armstrong too, then fuck him, He can go too and get rid of Diane Duke and Joanne and the fat as cheeseburger cocksucker too, and just get rid of the agents too, like Mike South’s LATATA buddy, Derek Hays,before he ends up in Vegas and either in a Nevada state pennitary or worst , buried in the desert up to neck getting his head bashed in with baseball bats by the local mob and local people that don’t want him and other LATATA agents their. Fuck em’all in the ass.

    YOU sorry ass cocksuckers, allowed this all to happen and me and other fans NOW know that, you fucked up OUR industry that we supported. Get rid of the gay carrying agents, producers and directors that support the crossover talent, and the FagHag chicks that ride twitter willing to work with assholes like Christainxxx shit stain and other cocksuckers(literally) and clean house. Mike, You have supported the performers along with Rob Black and Tom Byron and others who have also, but this shit got to stop and its got to happen TODAY.

    Fuck Porno Dan, he is out on his own and don’t give a fuck about the girls except when he is got to pay them $500 bucks( whata fucking jew)
    to fuckem or his little faggot buddines Ralph Long and Princess Yashua and Bill Fox.(he’s a Fat fag) from Pasadena that recruits Bi-sexual and crossover BIG cock boys, for the porn industry in LA.(He loves to suck cock, too) so we heard. Clean that fuck shit hole out!
    Porno Dan needs to get packing and take that fucking chink Michael Lee with him too, He is a wanted rapist who owes money too LA agents and girls for Boy girl-Anal scenes he has done and not paid.

    Enough! and Fuck you cocksuckers at Brazzers, and xbiz and AVN,
    I think as fans of porn we should boycott the AVN’s in vegas and drop the sales of porn and viewing and paying any of these girls websites until this shit is cleaned up for the support of the Straight and narrow performers who played by the rules. Whores and faggots, What a bunch a crap!

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