New HIV Positive Production Halted

More info as it comes in

The FSC has apparently learned something finally, they jumped in front of this one quickly, Im on it to get the details though


Xbiz has THIS:

The Free Speech Coalition called for a production moratorium today after one of the testing facilities in its PASS system reported a positive HIV test for an adult performer.

“There was a positive test at one of our testing centers. We are taking every precaution while we do research to determine if there’s been any threat to the performer pool,” FSC CEO Diane Duke said.


88500cookie-checkNew HIV Positive Production Halted

New HIV Positive Production Halted

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16 Responses

  1. The PASS screenshot in another aritcle her on MIKESOUTH shows that TTS marked him unavailable on Dec 3. But no word from the FSC until Dec 6, and in the FSC press release the said they wanted to “Err on the side of caution.” So why wait three full days from when one of the PASS facilities listed him unavailable?

    FSC did not act quickly, and allowed uninformed exposed people to continue working for three days. Depending on the size of the first genereation list, do you know how much bigger the second generation list got in those three days, when PASS was notified but didnt act.

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