Mike South

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Spinning Wheel, Got to Go Round:

I haven’t spoken with Adella, but I am sure I will at some point today. Though Adella had this to say: “Tera’s done three movies in three years. She doesn’t

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Charley Frye Strikes again:

XXX: I get a call from FEV a few minutes ago XXX: it’s Kat, Charlie’s receptionist there South1226: ya XXX: she says ” is xxx booked in Queens the 2nd

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Adella Responds:

From mikesouth.com earlier today: ” Tera and Devon are considered by us to be too good to socialize with other people in porn, except when we need them to help

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A pornfan writes:

DP has spent tons of money trying to create the perception that tera patrick is a “porn star” — and almost everyone — the fans, AVN, the adult press, has

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Harry Weiss THE PR God, chimes in:

Mike, I consider Adella of DP a friend and respect the PR work she has done. However, the Devon attacks Serenity incident sounds an awful lot like the “Skeeter Kerkove

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