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Kid Vegas Makes the News

Kid Vegas Sues Slain Wayne and Loses; Threatens Bigger Lawsuit (Chatsworth December 31) Slain Wayne says despite many warnings from friends and industry insiders regarding Kid Vegas’ bad reputation, he

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Kid Vegas Makes the News:

(Chatsworth December 31) Slain Wayne says despite many warnings from friends and industry insiders regarding Kid Vegas’ bad reputation, he tried to be the nice guy and help him out.

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Kid Vegas finally retires:

Not by choice mnd you, the arrogant little shit finally pissed off enough companies with his shitty product that he is personna non grata around porn these these days, he

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Do y’all like fireworks

I like fireworks and it looks promising that we are going to get a pre fourth of July fireworks display. See Kid Vegas has been fired from Extreme and now

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