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Has it occurred to anyone else that maybe Darren James didn’t get HIV in Brazil, or that maybe he actually got it from Laura Roxxx? Think about it She worked with him on 3/24 he had tested negative on 3/17. It’s as likely that he got it from her as it is that he got it in Brazil.

Because AIM has made assumptions that may be incorrect theres no real way to know now.

And Why are they not demanding tests of everyone who worked with Laura Roxxx for 60 days prior to her most recent test?

Sure its easier to assume it was James…because of the circumstances but nobody KNOWS that for sure do they?

This is just another in a long list of examples why Sharon (whom I will NEVER refer to as Dr or PhD again because it is an insult to REAL Doctors and PhDs) needs to step down and turn this over to someone more qualified.

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