The Biggest Pig In Porn

I have gotten literally dozens of emails about this and I just wasn’t sure if I wanted to go into it, but It finally dawned on me that the truth here needs to come out, there may be people who are unaware of the danger that they are being put in.

There are pigs in porn, to be sure, male and female, but I can’t think of amy more worthy of the title biggest pig in porn than the porcine wad hog that calls herself Bree Olson.

Bree has taken to blogging about herself on the popular social networking site “twitter” and what she writes should be of concern to anyone who might be working with her.

Not a week goes by that she isn’t asking guys to “come shoot a load in her” or bragging about a club appearance where she got “six loads of cum in her pussy in one night”

A lot of you have asked if I was going to comment about the fact that she is certainly setting herself up for the title of “Typhoid Mary of STDs” and word I get from insiders in the biz is that she gets a lot of them. One of her “friends” commented in one email that Bree couldnt work that day because she was sick, and that he/she figured it must be swine flu. Fitting.

The puzzling thing to me, is why a company that has built a reputation for being squeaky clean would let this little trollop drag their name and reputation through the mud in this manner.  I hardly think this is what Phil Harvey had in mind when it comes to the girls that represent his company and his hard earned image.

But the powers that be at Adam and Eve make unflattering jokes about it and say it’s just Bree being Bree. The only time they reeled her in is when she started spewing bigoted racial vitriol.

I have news for you folks she is being a pig and she is making Adam and Eve her sty.

Now don’t get me wrong here if she wants to be the worlds biggest whore Im fine with that, but when you endanger the lives and health of other people…I’m not fine with that.  Rumor has it that she escorts and thats backed up by photos on escort sites and reviews on and other review boards. Thats ok lots of porn girls escort, not usually contract girls but hey if Adam and Eve doesn’t care I don’t either.

The larger question though is do the people with whom she is exposing to her bacterial breeding ground care?  If they don’t then have at it.  But at least now they know.

We need fewer (as in no) contract girls like Bree in this biz, what happened to girls with class, like Serenity and Carmen Luvana?  When did companies trade them in for for cum burping gutter snipes?

Maybe I have just gotten too old to appreciate the “new porn”..Thank God.

Bree and Adam and Eve along with Katy Zvolerin and Bob Christian should all be ashamed of themselves Bree for being so irresponsible  and Katy and Bob for looking the other way when they know it is happening.

Remember this if you get booked to do a scene with Bree and go and take a look at her twitter history if you think I’m just making this up or being mean.

Heres just a few, a very few

“Any older guys wanna come shoot thier load in me in my hotel room? Tweet me your number if you are within half an hour of st louis

I totally got stood up! I’m horny as fuck! Anyone in st Louis area give me your number. Come to my hotel and fuck! Not a joke! For real!

Since I am sick and bed riddin I have one thing on the mind. Sex! Any men in fort Wayne that wanna come shoot their load in my pussy?

I’m fucking someone in this pool tonight. Not sure who but it’s gonna happen!

Do any guys in south Florida wanna come fuck me in my hotel room? I’ll take one guy at a time. One every half hour.

I am very sore from getting fucked so much but I know a load of cum in my pussy would make it feel much better. Anybody? ”

Gee Katy and Bob, y’all must be SO proud.

29900cookie-checkThe Biggest Pig In Porn

The Biggest Pig In Porn

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17 Responses

  1. It’s easy for you to talk down on someone like Bree because you have no idea who real Bree is all you know is this alter ego she becomes for her fans and to all that know her on a porn basis of any sort. If you have learned anything in all your years being around porno you would know better then to made such a naive “civilian” statement. You sound very much Shelly Lubban except I don’t believe for one second your comment was made from a “naive opinion” but more of a childish way to put down the most successful contract girl A&E has right now to make Kayden look better. I never had a reason to not respect you until this cheapshot at bree was made, how childish of you!

  2. Hey Mike,

    Your post surprises me. Most fans like me just assume Bree is mind-fucking people on Twitter. We think she’s just up-dating the Mary Carey “Anything that Gets My Name Printed is Good” approach to her career?

    Like you said, I can’t believe Adam & Eve would still be associated with Bree if what she Tweets is true.

    Plus given that you (like me) have been a major supporter of Kayden since she left Vivid, your dissing Bree lets posters like “Avarosexxx” question your motives.

    If what you say is true, other Performers need to step forward…afterall it’s their health at risk.

  3. Regardless of what you have “heard first hand” there was no reason you had to write a god damn essay on why you feel Bree is a porn pig or whatever it was that u called her. You are a grown adult and saying malicious things about someone in a public blog for the world to see is unfair and cruel. Grow up

  4. As you will see you opinion is in the minority Ava

    I really dont care what Bree does in her personal life but it is rather important that people who are working with her be aware of this, more than a few have thanked me for bringing this too their attention and THAT was the purpose

    If it were all an act thats one thing and the story never would have seen the light of day but she is posing a threat to everyone she works with and that is unfair and cruel

  5. Dirty Bob, you ask “how is this different?

    I can answer that in just three words…

    Sexually transmitted disease.

    Bree or any other performer, male or female, who has unprotected sex with strangers places anyone they work with at risk. That’s reckless and irresponsible.

    I don’t think this is an isolated case by any stretch, just that most others aren’t so blatant about displaying it on publicly accesible media.

  6. TADA Toby actually gets it. When you are in this business you bear a degree of responsibility to the people you work with.

    What Bree is doing is classless and out of line, to quote Den , simply put yourself in the shoes of whomever Bree is working with next, how would you feel if you found out after the fact about her behavior?

    People in this business need to be held accountable when they behave like this, contract girls most of all.

    And if you think this is just some role play acting that Bree is doing you are very wrong.

    So if you read this and you work with Bree then fine you were informed if not, well shame on Bree and on Adam and Eve.

    Now if you think Im just a mean old bastard hell Im OK widdat….Im a mean old bastard but at least Im not an apologetic sheep who writes her a pass just because I idolize her.

  7. Mike as you well know,
    I was referring to you as being classless and out of line.

    Bree is one of the Hottest Contract girls!


  8. I see because Bree is hot she gets a pass.

    if she were choking out her co stars would she still get a pass…Its the same thing man

    whats good for the goose is good for the gander,putting someones health at risk is not excusable just because the person doing it is “hot”

  9. Dear Mike: I don’t think you get the criticism. It’s not about the information, opinion, and warning, it’s about your tone. It’s not necessary to call anyone names like biggest pig in porn (the title), porcine wad hog, little trollop, and cum burping gutter snipe. You, especially, have a gift with the written word, an ability to filet a person (or company or whatever) without stooping to dirty name calling. If your information is true about Bree, then she is sick, really sick, mentally ill, a sex addict, a person who needs help (understatement). Warn the industry…fair enough. Kick a sick person in the teeth…mean spirited.

  10. Geez, Mike. You go away for a month, and then start a firestorm your first week or so back! Geez. I have no dog in this fight; Bree/Kayden. Whatever. I can take or leave either one. So, here’s my question. Let’s assume for the moment that the Tweet’s are true. What’s the difference between what Bree is doing and, say, Lisa Ann taking cream pies in the butt from James Deen and Erik Everhard in the same scene, or the whole genre of anal and vaginal cream pie videos? Yes, you can argue that Deen and Everhard have been tested, but at least from what I read, STDs run rampant in the industry despite testing. And we’ve seen a few cases of HIV over the last few years. If porn was about the safety of the performers, the industry would ban spitting, slapping, double anal, choking, unprotected anal and whole lot of what makes it to video. All of which is why, at the end of the day, I contend that porn has more to fear from CAL-OSHA than anything else.

  11. Personal health risk must over-rule all other considerations.

    Porn performers share their sexual history every time they have sex with another performer on-camera. The assumption has got to be that each performer is acting responsibly, be it with their STD tests or their off-screen fucking. When someone doesn’t act responsibly, IMO, they should be “outed.”

    I remember some Classic-era pornstars (like Selena Steele) saying that they ONLY had sex on-camera. They thought it made for “better” scenes, plus it eliminated boyfriend problems and lessened the chances of being a transmitter to or from their non-porn sex partners.

    Also there were & are numerous porn girls not willing to work with guys who also do unprotected gay scenes.

    It’s a health thing.

  12. There are good points here all the way around.

    some of the back story isnt known though. I tried a more diplomatic solution here through Adam and Eve and their indication was that they approved of this behavior, they felt that it expands Brees fan base and is ultimately good for Adam and Eves bottom line. Evn though i pointed out the health concerns.

    Im told that when I shined a light the cockroaches there ran for cover and are not happy about me outing them and Bree hereso instead of fixing the problem they wish to blame the messenger.

    Im OK with that.

    Did I slap them upside the head with a harsh reality, you bet I did. Sometimes that’s the only way to get peoples attention.

    We now return to more of Thailand

  13. Dirty Bob,

    I guess I’m not clear on what you mean by gig outside the industry. Feature dancing? Escorting? Exactly where does the unprotected sex come in?

    Re-read my prior post again, I think I addressed your points in my last sentence. What Bree is doing ISN’T any different than escorting where condoms are not mandatory, picking up some guy in a night club for a quickie in the parking lot, or any other activity where unprotected sex occurs with untested partners.

    The only real difference here is that Bree has not been at all discreet, and when made aware Adam & Eve has tried to look the other way. Discreet or not, it’s still reckless and irresponsible.

    As for Bree’s Twitter posts doing the industry a favor, that may well be the case by bringing this issue more attention, but I’m pretty sure that wasn’t her intent.

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