Wank gets Cranked Up:

The post below has Wankus all wound up tight…and on his birthday no less….

Wankus we got a sayin here in the south. Never mud wrestle with a pig, you both get dirty and the pig likes it.

Happy Birthday!

Is AdultFYI Becoming a Joke? (From a RAME thread):

Is it just me, or does whenever AdultFYI report a story, I’m reminded of an old Ari Fleischer press conference. You only hear what they want you to hear, and half the time, your not sure if your being served a line of promo-porno bullshit. When did AdultFYI become the AVN of the gossip porn world.

This latest story ‘Sour Grapes Being Served in Porn Valley’ takes the cake. Jesus Christ, AdultBeat reports a story of Chasey Lain overdosing. Scott Fayner mentions it, followed by just about every other adult gossip/news site. Quasarman wrote this in response to Luke’s outing of Chasey;”First of all, I watched this 60 pound waif drift in and out of consciousness for hours as she posed with the great unwashed at the AVN expo as our booth was directly across from Pleasure Productions. My only thoughts on the situation: If I were Pleasure Productions, I’d be pissed that this human chemical weapons factory was wasting my money and embarrassing my company.”

Although, Quasarman isn’t saying he witnessed her overdosing, he is clearly pointing out that Chasey wasn’t in good shape which is more than what AdultFYI is doing.

Now, if you read AdultFYI, they’d have you believe everything is hunkey-dorey regarding little miss Chasey Lain — bullshit.

“Then for Mike South to mock Gene with his fark.com line is hysterical while AdultFYI has the most original stories daily then him or AdultBeat put together.”

The reason Mike is dumping on Gene is because AdultFYI is a joke! Ever since Gene switched formats and jumped into bed with AdultFYI and KSEX (Mr. Wayne C. Lewis would have us believe that AdultFYI and KSEX aren’t in bed together, very funny) things have gone to shit.

I said this a long time ago, AVN feeds its readers pablum, while Luke shares with his readers large portions of grown up food. AdultFYI is quickly becoming the AVN of the gossip world and I’m having a hard time differentiating between the usual porn-hype bullshit and the interesting
stories. Luke, for all of his faults, at least, gives his readers something, other than the usual, “Lain incident was mentioned 19 paragraphs INTO the story” bullshit.

“KSEX PJ Amber Lynn spoke with Chasey who denied it saying that she did NOT overdose and was not kept in a hospital recovering.” Uhm, okay Chasey. I tend to believe this statement by Mike South a little more; “Adultfyi might try to take the high road but bottom line is they didnt know a thing about it till everyone else had it.”

Wankus once appeared in a Transformers movie, but his website is quickly becoming the GoBot of the news/gossip sites.

Heres the bottom line.

Wayne is in this to make money, he has advertisers and he must keep them happy, ditto AVN, ditto lukeford and ditto adultbeat. by and large adultbeats advertisers know what they are in for, Lukes rep preceeds him so they dont whine.

I dont have advertisers, I dont answer to anyone but me and sometimes y’all. If I shut down mikesouth.com as a news/opinion site tomorrow it doesn’t affect my bottom line one bit.

Im doing it for fun and cuz I have a story to tell, sure its part vanity but bottom line is you dont endure pop ups, or noisy banner ads, I dont lay the site out in a manner that makes it look like I get more traffic than I do …its just there, read it or dont.

adultfyi and KSEX on the other hand are trying to get snuggly with AVN and this was a good chance for them to say hey AVN we sided with you on this one see Gene aint the same sellout he was back at Extreme…..

11410cookie-checkWank gets Cranked Up:

Wank gets Cranked Up:

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Mike South

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