Vivid To Distribute Montana Fishburne Video

Not a surprise here as Vivid is working hard to establish itself as THE go to company for celebrity sex vids. Its still up in the air as to whether or not she is a celebrity. but the word on the street is Vivid has her sex tape.

Makes sense…Bet Hirsch didn’t pay anywhere near a million for this one.

40320cookie-checkVivid To Distribute Montana Fishburne Video

Vivid To Distribute Montana Fishburne Video

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3 Responses

  1. I would think Daddy Fishburne would pay the guy more just to keep it off the shelves, than Vivid would pay to distribute it. Of course, she herself probably planned it for publicity. I mean, I never heard of her before this. Now I have.

  2. What’s interesting about this, is that in Vivid’s press release about the tape/video it state’s it’s her “Debut” movie, but in reality it’s not – ran an article yesterday that stated that another company will be releasing a video featuring Montana as “Chicky D” in a scene with Brian Pumper about 1 week prior to Vivid’s release.

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