Heidi Montag Spencer Pratt Sex Tape

OK So the buzz in the biz right now is all about the latest sex tape.  Seems Heidi Montag has knocked Montana Fishburne right out of the tabloids altogether.

And rightly so, Heidi is a pretty smoking chick, proving that smoking chicks often seem to prefer douche bags….

This particular douche bag being Spencer Pratt.

But lets get down to the facts here, first of all no matter what you read anyplace else this tape cannot be released without Heidi’s consent.  Same was true for Pamela Anderson, Kim Kardashian, Screech, and ALL the rest of them. So stop falling for the whole drama thing they always spin around it, getting a lawyer to write a letter insisting Steve Hirsch no distribute the tape is a matter of Steve paying the lawyer to do it so that he gets free publicity.  Use your heads people.

And as for the 5 million dollar price tag? BULL FUCKING SHIT.  There is NO WAY, I repeat NO WAY Hirsch is going to drop 5 Mil on this, that’s just Steve spinning the story so he gets even more free press out of it.

It’s unbelievable that the mainstream press keeps falling for these lines of bullshit.

Spencer Pratt may have ASKED for 5 million but I’d bet its less than a million, a lot less for his entire library of her sex scenes.

And while we are at it could we please stop with the Kardashian nonsense claim that her sex tape made her famous.  Kardashian already had her reality show in the works when the sex tape came out, it did about as much to make her famous as it did Ray J and all Ray J proved in that tape is that he is a lame fuck.

O.J. Simpson made Kardashian famous when he hired her Daddy, they rest of it is just the America’s stupidity.

The only thing lamer than Vivid features are Vivids sex tapes….

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Heidi Montag Spencer Pratt Sex Tape

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