Not long after I posted about Stefani Morgan I was contacted by someone claiming to know what Vivid doesn’t want you to know. and they are dishing on twitter. the twitter is @vividrape and contains bits like this:
Victim report from #AZ where the rape occurred. #Vivid #StefaniMorgan #StevenHirsch
In that report Stefani alleges she was raped by William Asher.
Theres lots more including that Stefani lived with Bill Asher during the time the Kim Kardashian Sex Tape was made, so she would be in a position to know the real story. Here’s the tweet about that
VIVID RAPE ?@VIVIDRAPE 11h11 hours ago
Though that isn’t all Vivid was hiding. Stefani lived with Bill during when @KrisJenner began negotiating @KimKardashian sex tape for $1m.
VIVID RAPE ?@VIVIDRAPE 11h11 hours ago
Something @Caitlyn_Jenner was firmly against.
VIVID RAPE ?@VIVIDRAPE 11h11 hours ago
Her time in porn and the crimes committed used against her repeatedly to hide the wrongs of more individuals. #rapeculture #trafficking
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VIVID RAPE ?@VIVIDRAPE 11h11 hours ago
Including @NatRothschild1 #alexvonfurstenberg #olegderipaska @MrTommyLand #jeffaltman #scottrosenberg #thomasflohr #richardsachs and more.
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VIVID RAPE ?@VIVIDRAPE 11h11 hours ago
As well as police in #nyc, #la, #az, #London and varies European cities. 4 pages of parties involved listed in reports.
@vividrape is naming names and kicking ass, if this interests you by all means you should follow. I am leaving for Florida today but couldn’t resist this and I will keep you updated, I expect Vivid will go to great lengths to take it down.
NOW I understand why Vivid launched a pre-emptive strike against me this stuff is damaging if true, as it appears to be.
3 Responses
According to This Twitter Account Vivid Is In Deep Do Do
Looks like they are trying to keep escorting out of the mix.Thats a dirty can of worms no one wants opened.
@MikeSouth1226 Looks like the account was deleted.