TimCase and Felicia Fox On the Road Again: Day One

What is TimCase reading today? “The Shootist”, by Glendon Swarthout
What is FiFi listening to? Tool, “Lateralus”
What is Bubba doing? Licking his ass, terrorizing hotel maids

At least Bubbas has better taste in leisure activity than Fifi… TOOL?

Hey, Mike…just thought I’d check in and let you know we arrived safely, make sure you haven’t burned down the outhouse. I’m not sure what exactly is up with this death wish thing you have going this year — falling down the stairs, capsizing a yacht, getting lost at sea, setting the kitchen on fire. If you don’t cut all this out, I’m going to start calling you “Super Dave” South. When Turkey Day rolls around, why not come up to Dayton and eat with us? For god’s sake, don’t try to cook!
We’re holed up here in Commack, NY, on Long Island, at the HoJo and our shows at “Blush” don’t start until 10:30 tonight, so I have a few hours to relax. Evidently Houston was here a few weeks ago, which is cool…everyone at the club said she was great. I brought along our pyros and I’m planning on blowing the roof off the joint tonight for FiFi’s first show…(remind me never to let you operate the flash pots for me, by the way.)
Felicia Fox, the queen bee herself, is looking forward to heading west, getting to Tucson, and seeing Tool again in two weeks. Her favorite band in the entire world, mostly because she gets to ride on the tour bus whenever we see them. Fucking groupies…
When do the AVN nominations come out? Dude, if you’re not up for best Pro-Am Video for “Confederate Cuties #4” I’m going to bitch long and loud. I think that’s some of the best work you’ve ever done — mostly because I’m in it, of course. (you know, if you’d put that goofball Jolee in #4 along with Fifi you’d have the DB vote and been a shoo-in, for sure.)Talk to you tomorrow, beee-otch.

AVN awards are usually annonuced the Monday after Thanksgiving.

5800cookie-checkTimCase and Felicia Fox On the Road Again: Day One

TimCase and Felicia Fox On the Road Again: Day One

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