#BLM Archives - Mike South The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sun, 09 Jul 2023 11:07:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://i0.wp.com/mikesouth.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/favicon.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 #BLM Archives - Mike South 32 32 1788040 Jury Nullification on Victimless Crimes https://mikesouth.com/legal/jury-nullification-on-victimless-crimes-66119/ https://mikesouth.com/legal/jury-nullification-on-victimless-crimes-66119/#comments Mon, 02 Nov 2020 13:47:27 +0000 https://mikesouth.com/?p=66119 When a jury returns a Not Guilty verdict although jurors accept beyond a reasonable doubt that the law has been broken by the defendant, it is referred to as Jury Nullification. The law is referred to as nullified when the Not Guilty verdict can’t be overridden, and the jurors, therefore, can not be penalized for […]

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Former Male Performer Pauly Harker Arrested in Domestic Terrorist Plot to Kill Co-Founder of #BLM Movement https://mikesouth.com/legal/former-male-performer-pauly-harker-arrested-in-domestic-terrorist-plot-to-kill-co-founder-of-blm-movement-66345/ https://mikesouth.com/legal/former-male-performer-pauly-harker-arrested-in-domestic-terrorist-plot-to-kill-co-founder-of-blm-movement-66345/#comments Wed, 28 Oct 2020 08:51:42 +0000 https://mikesouth.com/?p=66345 Former male performer Pauly Harker was arrested along with two former marines, last week on federal weapons charges. Upon their arrest, they found a “hit list”, which included the name of Alicia Garza, the co-founder of the Black Lives Matter movement. All three men were taken into custody in Idaho, where one of the men lived. […]

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https://mikesouth.com/legal/former-male-performer-pauly-harker-arrested-in-domestic-terrorist-plot-to-kill-co-founder-of-blm-movement-66345/feed/ 1 66345
Flash Brown Gets Off with Probation https://mikesouth.com/legal/flash-brown-gets-off-on-probation-66133/ https://mikesouth.com/legal/flash-brown-gets-off-on-probation-66133/#comments Fri, 16 Oct 2020 23:41:57 +0000 https://mikesouth.com/?p=66133 Flash Brown is now a free man. Flash Brown was charged in March of 2019 on several charges to which Flash Brown  pled not guilty. It appears two counts of corporal injury to a spouse, one count of pimping and pandering, one count of revenge porn, and three counts of contempt of court, for violations […]

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https://mikesouth.com/legal/flash-brown-gets-off-on-probation-66133/feed/ 5 66133
Why Jussie Smollett Should Go To Jail https://mikesouth.com/mike-south-commentary/why-jussie-smollett-should-go-to-jail-44373/ https://mikesouth.com/mike-south-commentary/why-jussie-smollett-should-go-to-jail-44373/#comments Sat, 30 Mar 2019 14:30:37 +0000 http://mikesouth.com/?p=44373 Jussie Smollett. I have been outraged by this whole thing as I know that many of you are, but the one thing I am not hearing from any of the reporting is what I think is the most important thing. Jussie Smollette is perfect for a scene on EFukd.com Right here https://mikesouth.com/tag/efukt/ Lets imagine that things […]

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https://mikesouth.com/mike-south-commentary/why-jussie-smollett-should-go-to-jail-44373/feed/ 6 44373