Update – Got Roy Liberboim Attention This Time, Shy Love Is Apparently the Culprit

Did Shy Love also lied and screwed Roy Liberboim her husband’s reputation by embezzling money? Shy Love’s also known as Sheelagh Blumberg and sheelagh Liberboim husband Roy Liberboim finally got back to me and when I asked he offered proof that he had paid the talent fees for the girl in question to Shy Love. I’m convinced that he did in fact pay Shy Love and that Shy Love is the one who hasn’t paid at this point.Read more about Shy Love here

I have a lot of emails complaining of similar experiences with Roy but this was the only one to go on record so Roy it appears that you indeed held up your end of the deal and I apologize for implying that it was you who wasn’t paying the talent.

Message to Shy Love and Roy Liberboim , it would be an excellent idea for you to make sure that this person is paid. Promptly.

In light of all things so far the constant pouring in of reader mail tips about this diabolical fake agent one can conclude that the rumor of Roy finally excusing himself for a relationship, or should we say discord of matrimony. Ladies and gentlemen Roy has left the building in Dieman Holland. Well the Air BnB temporary lodging at the very best. As we all in the adult Industry knows if Shy love’s lips are moving she is lying.

We encourage our readers to submit daily mails as to what next in the life of crime for one Shy Love and her partners in crime.

sheelagh Liberboim shy love the vip connect
Porn star Hall of famer Sheelagh performing outrageous acts. The VIP connect

Anyone knows exactly why is shy Love traveling back and forth from Holland to the United States of America ? Other than the seeming human trafficking and sex trafficking antics

15691cookie-checkUpdate – Got Roy Liberboim Attention This Time, Shy Love Is Apparently the Culprit

Update – Got Roy Liberboim Attention This Time, Shy Love Is Apparently the Culprit

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2 Responses

  1. Seeming this may very well be the case. Not one single blogger from any other sites has come to the aid of Shy love in mounting any kind of defence.

  2. Sounds like Shy/Sheelagh is causing more trouble. WTF is this chick thinking — or is the booze and pills doing the thinking for her? I actually almost feel sorry for her husband — almost.

    BTW, welcome back Mike. I hope you are doing well.

    Lastly, for some reason the date on this article is showing as December 8, 2007. As that date will keep it from showing up on the front page where most readers look for the latest news that could keep this article from receiving the readership it deserves. If I hadn’t looked in the latest comments roster I would have missed it myself.

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