Sheena Shaw Returns To Porn and Yes i Have A Problem With That

Something interesting did catch my eye today, and that was Sheena Shaw’s return to the biz.  I know it won’t stop anyone from shooting her but let’s not forget who this girl is.  She was having UNPROTECTED sex with an HIV Positive person while she was in the biz.

What Sheena does in her private life is of no concern to me but this wasn’t her private life every time she had unprotected sex on camera she was potentially exposing her partners to HIV,  If she would do it then why wouldn’t you think that she would do it again? In my opinion that is UNACCEPTABLE.

We should send her a very clear message that she is NOT welcome, if it weren’t for people like this we wouldn’t be having to fight “condom laws” Y’all think about that one….


1172322cookie-checkSheena Shaw Returns To Porn and Yes i Have A Problem With That

Sheena Shaw Returns To Porn and Yes i Have A Problem With That

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31 Responses

  1. This is just yet another example of a performer in this industry who doesn’t give a shit about themselves let alone anyone else. #notsurprised

  2. quite frankly, if it wasn’t the LAW, I wouldn’t give a shit whether the performers used condoms or not . I would say go for it get your AIDS. If you are this stupid you deserve to get HIV/AIDS. I have no sympathy for any of you and I doubt most other people in the general public do either.

    . Maybe the Performers 20 or 30 years ago might have cared about themselves but the performers today are obviously a whole different breed who don’t. FACT.

    Guess what? I don’t care if this sounds mean or not because No matter what anyone else says it’s THE TRUTH and you guys know it. #actionsspeaklouderthanwords

  3. Whoever will shoot her has to be blamed, but the biggest problem is that somebody will shoot WITH her. She can announce all the comebacks she wants, but if performers refused to shoot with her, the comeback would remain in writings. Now, this is something that APAC could and should show their purpose about, taking an official position and warning performers about the risks of shooting with this girl. Without mentioning that she does drugs on set…this alone should raise questions about the validity of her 2257 releases, where she should endorse something similar to “I have not been solicited, induced, enticed, procured, coerced or forced into any act or signing this agreement”.

  4. WAIT, wait, wait. Normally I wouldn’t comment but I have to.
    I totally agree that she shouldn’t be in the general talent pool, BUT I think Stagliano needs to be mentioned straight out the gate as well. HE is the “source” of the HIV and porn’s “power elite” promotes his company Evil Angel consistently. He’s EVERYWHERE and Sheena Shaw is the evidence that he’s had physical sexual contact with the female talent pool (minus a condom).
    It’s crazy to me that talent agents provide him with talent to shoot!
    Someone needs to ask her (if no one has already) exactly who she’ll be shooting for / with.
    I’ve thought for a long time that there should be an OPENLY developed HIV positive arm of the talent pool, because there (at least on the Gay side) are poz people who want to perform. APAC just stated that they desire to unite with the “gay side” of the adult industry.
    Will Sheena only be shooting for Evil Angel? If so I don’t see why anyone would have a problem with her if they have no issue with Stagliano.

    Also if she was / is really pregnant (of if she had her baby from Stagliano – she posted a DNA test at one point) she probably only is returning to sex work out of financial necessity.
    I feel REALLY bad for that young woman. I don’t think she’s a scumbag. I think that she was lured into a sick situation and made a bad choice – however look at who she was in that situation WITH! Stagliano KNOWS BETTER and he’s had FAR more life experience than she has. HE JUST HAS MONEY so that protects him. It’s NOT RIGHT! She’s most likely not thinking clearly, has been traumatized and is out of her mind. Realistically she needs counseling after all this but where are the resources?
    If you read this Shelley Lubben maybe you could reach out to her. Mike Kulich, since you’re looking to make a difference in your life there’s a good charity case for you.

  5. @monicaf
    Stagliano might be the problem, but here we are talking about Sheena. I naturally feel for any living creature, but making her look like a victim seems too much to me. If her claims are true, she spontaneously did drugs on set and she spontaneously had unprotected sex with John, an industry guy, without requiring his test and she kept shooting in the industry a number of times, afterwards. Let’s please take Stagliano out of the equation, for a moment: she is not a victim, she is a giant stupid ass who is not fit to work in this industry. I’m tired of hearing that responsibilities always lay on someone else: she is 29yo for God sake! Beside, how come that these people always end up having financial necessities? She shot 73 movies and hundreds of web scenes in 3 years…where the heck do they burn their money? Yes she needs counselling, but she would need it even if she had never worked in porn. If she has been traumatized, try imagine how traumatized were the people she shot with after they figured she fucked John unprotected. She’s not a victim, sorry. She is responsible for what she did and considering also her allegedly bad financial situation she is at high risk of doing it again. Let’s stop justifying crap all the time: this girl should be banned from the industry, pure and simple.

  6. The risk level,,,,,,its not the level of risk youre willing to take that matters, its the level of risk that your PARTNER is willing to put you at that matters. And way to many performers are all to willing to hide the risk level that they bring to the table. This chick here being a perfect example,,,she has no problem putting other performers at her risk level, and that is why the entire testing system is so deeply flawed,,,it just takes one.

    Every single person is at the risk level of the riskiest person in the performer pool. There are no seperate levels of risk simply because you have no clue what your partner did yesterday or the day before.

  7. I can fully echo Sabrina sentiiment “I’m tired of hearing that responsibilities always lay on someone else:”

    APAC’s most recent press release to unify the industry performers quoting James Deen saying he’s all for equality had me chuckling recalling debates with Mike Stabile last year when I said it was discriminatory to exclude any niche of production from testing.

    To rip this girl apart because she slept with a known HIV+ who is also said to be compliant with meds and maintaining a suppressed viral load is naively ignoring the performer who ALWAYS checks tests and uses condoms being too ashamed to fess up to violating the code they are known for.

  8. Her anus must be the size of a basketball. When she started she had the looks and body to not have to resort to circus acts.

    I wouldn’t touch her with Matt Harris’ 2″ penis.

  9. Rob Black, my two inch dick (actually that was a joke I made, erect it is a bit longer but four inches isn’t nearly as funny although if I actually had a two inch erect dick I could probably have a career in porn as the smallest adult dick in the world) isn’t going anywhere near Sheena. Frankly I don’t care whether she used a condom or not being in the biz and having professional sex with HIV negative performers is not appropriate if she is fucking an HIV positive person on the side outside of work. How she didn’t get HIV from Stags I don’t know but she should be on her knees thanking her deity that she isn’t fucking Michael Weinstein (yeah, I know he is mainly gay but I suspect he likes some pussy once in a while — and he is one ugly mother fucker to boot) in exchange for her AIDS medication every month. I can also say regarding Sheena not getting HIV from Stags is that Truvada really must work to prevent HIV from spreading. I can see a person not getting HIV from one or two penetrative encounters with an HIV positive partner but this chick probably had hundreds of them with Stags. A person can only play Russian Roulette so many times without taking a bullet and a woman penetratively fucking a known HIV positive man can accurately be compared to having two bullets in a six bulet capacity revolver, taking a spin, placing the barrel to her temple and pulling the trigger.

    Let’s just say this chick better prove she is over fucking HIV positive men, I would not hire her as it stands right now. Maybe if she can prove she is capable of only fucking HIV negative partners for a year or two and prove she is HIV negative (verifiably) after that time I would reconsider my stance. I hope Peter Acworth has kept up on this so he knows not to allow Simone or Berlin (his talent bookers) to hire her for Kink, if I recall she has done scenes for them in the past. He doesn’t need another Cameron Bay scare (what a fucking problem she turned out to be for him, first her fake tit gets punctured on Princess Donna’s set, then she takes a bloody dick in her pussy and ass on set and to cap it off she gets AIDS from somewhere — probably her gay performer husband, all within two weeks) and Sheena is a walking HIV scare in waiting if I have ever seen one. Give me a fucking break! Right now the industry needs a collective enema loaded with Truvada.

  10. @wusshater – As Sabrina says, she is the source that she had unprotected sex with Stagliano, that they had an extended affair during which time he supported her financially, and that he was her Baby Daddy.

  11. proof you say lets see,,,she got knocked up said it was staglianos…then she had an in utero paternity test that said it was Staglianos….proof enough for me

  12. So, did she have an abortion or actually have the baby and is now returning? I am not clear on that.

    It took a while for CXXX’s reputation and “NO LISTS” to get to the point he could not get work (5 paid scenes in 2014, everything else was content trade mostly with unknown TS or BBW). So, Sheena needs to get the same “no list” treatment .BUt if it took that long for CXXX to dry up, I would think with a female performer who will sell scenes, you won’t see a rally for people to not shoot with her. She will be shooting and I doubt the male porn pool will put her on a no list.

    Stags can produce tests that say Negative, thanks to whatever he is taking. This always makes me wonder if some high risk performers that are feared to contract HIV, have the same type of thing. Anyone have commentary on that and could Sheena bring that kind of concern

  13. If there is anybody in the performer pool who has testec positive for HIV, but now shows negative on tests due to medications, would still be violating several state and federal laws, and would be open to a huge civil liablility lawsuit, Also, every time you take an HIV test you sign a ‘Constent to test for HIV’ form,,,and everyone of those forms I have ever seen asks, “Have you ever tested positive for, or been diagnosed with and HIV infection’ To present a test that says negative, after having been diagnosed, is a fraud. There is also a common ‘blurb’ used for situations like this for lab results,,,,,”Result is inconsistent with other clinically available data.”

  14. It is EXACTLY people like Sheena Shaw and John Stagliano,,,who have no problem putting others at high risk, without notifying them, why the industry ‘testing’ system is a joke,,,,without at system to eliminate peices of shit like these two it doesnt matter how often you test. And Stags own company let a procer get away with forging tests until they caught him the third time, not the first time,,,,,and if they caught him three times, how many times do ya think he got away with it,,,,,but, if your product sells thats all that matters, right Mr. AND Mrs. Stagliano?

  15. Most of the people in the industry are a joke especially the talent which is why stags gets away with what he does and Shaw knows no one is going to question her or put her on their no list and she even has people like woman beater whiteacre defending her actions.

    Oh, and Why do you think people like TJ Cummings is doing what he is? Because TJ knows that most of the talent have no smarts and common sense and are stupid enough to believe what he tells them. Just imagine how many of the performers probably slept with this guy and will now bring their HIV to the set to spread it around.

    But that’s ok because the talent doesn’t care. In their delusional minds HIV is a manageable disease not a PREVENTABLE one and they will just take the meds and live happily ever after. Lol!

  16. This is why it’s so important that performers have reliable accurate info materials.

    HIV antibody tests will remain positive if someone has been infected even if they have achieved undetectable viral levels using antiviral medications. Hiv meds suppress the actual virus. Antibodies remain regardless of medication usage.

    Consider the body a life browser……the history represent the virus particles and cookies represents the antibodies (or vice versa) they are distinct browser processes.

  17. @joeschmoe: I think she had an abortion which appears to be the birth control of choice for the women in the industry.

    I also thought she said she was done with the industry, but, of course, like most others who have said that, she is returning.

  18. Jilted, when I heard of John (and later Karen) Stagliano getting HIV and later John being prosecuted for “obscenity” I wanted to call them the Fuckedlianos. Lately, though at least John has been more of a Teflonliano as nothing seems to stick to him. I am about as liberal as they come as to what what should be allowed in adult but HIV/AIDS patients penetrating HIV negative performers is one thing I don’t agree with. Now I have to wonder about Karen, her husband fucking around on her (outside of work from accounts I have read), having HIV (reducing her ability to find another husband) and having at least two kids to support (maybe three, I never heard if the last pregnancy survived or not). She is who I have to feel got the raw end of the stick here. I don’t feel sorry (today) for either John — who by all other accounts is actually a decent guy that just likes to fuck around on his wife and if he didn’t have HIV I wouldn’t even comment on here — or especially Sheena who knew what she was getting into fucking known HIV positive men while performing in the industry.

  19. I don’t know how the industry can welcome her back. Think about it… she was doing bareback scenes in the day and having bareback sex with a known HIV positive male in the evening who was also ejaculating inside her… and then having bareback sex with someone else in a scene the next day.

    Yeah , she will sell product as the vast majority of consumers are not reading these boards and would have no idea (nor would they likely care anyways, her ass over rides all). But still, the performers should be absolutely PISSED she conducted herself like this in the first place. For her to not be blackballed is just mind bending to see.

    PS – to the guy saying they are committing fraud on testing paperwork….. its only fraud if you get caught and most people will think they will never get caught; people commit fraud all the time but don’t think much about it until they get caught. The fact it is legal fraud is not much of a deterrent for performers lying on HIV testing paperwork.

  20. Further more…..

    Let’s say Sheena didn’t know (impossible to believe)…

    That means willingly Stagliano gave her creampies while she was an active performer, and did not disclose his HIV status to her! Knowing full well she would be fucking male talent the next day!

    Whether you believe she knew or she didnt, under both possibilities, one (or both) of these lovers were willing to risk spreading HIV throughout the porn industry. Sheena was working a lot during that time and would have had sex with a significant portion of the male talent pool.

    So, in addition to not welcoming back Sheena, why the fuck is Stagliano not on some blacklist. Shouldn’t the male porn dudes be up in arms over their willingness to infect these guys with HIV?

    This is so fucked up even for the cesspool of porn valley. I can’t wrap my head around it.

  21. I think the hand-wringing over Sheena Shaw’s return to porn after a relationship with an HIV+ individual misses a larger point. Porn’s go/no go policy when it comes to your fitness to have sex on camera with another individual rests on one thing – the results of industry approved testing. If the test says you’re disease free, you’re good to go.

    If Sheena Shaw is HIV free today, several months after her relationship with Stagliano ended (my memory is that she started tweeting about it being over back in November), its pretty unlikely an infection is going to show up now. Black balling because of something she did months ago if she is disease free today is about as effective as the governor of New Jersey putting that poor nurse who returned from Africa in a tent on the tarmac even though she tested negative for Ebola virus. If the goal is protection, it accomplishes nothing.

    Shaw’s actions, however, speak to the reason that testing alone isn’t enough. She is a very high risk performer; performers who engage in anal sex are at a higher risk of infection than performers who don’t; performers who engage in lots of anal sex are at an even higher risk. She made her name specializing in what can only be called anal stunts – not just lots of cocks up that butt, but huge objects.

    Meanwhile, she was in a relationship with an HIV+ guy nicknamed buttman for a reason, and who at one time in his life also engaged in high risk sex acts – its how he got HIV in the first place. So, you have someone who is performing high risk acts on set while secretly dating someone who likes high risk acts and is HIV positive.

    She got lucky. But the chance of her being infected and passing it on before it showed up in her tests I have to think was high. That’s when she should’ve been blackballed.

    On the other hand, if you blackballed every porn performer who did something stupid and risky to their health in their personal life ……. you wouldn’t have much of a talent pool.

  22. No one cares. The talent doesn’t care about themselves let alone anyone else. They don’t care about what shaw did/is doing or the fact that stags and TJ Cummings is HIV positive or anyone else that may be HIV positive. They don’t care. Remember in their delusional minds they see HIV as being a manageable disease not what people like me who live in the real world see it as a PREVENTABLE one. There is no reason for anyone to contract HIV in this country today. No reason at all unless you are stupid. Same with all the other STDS…

    Anyway, I am willing to bet if some producer thought Marc Wallice could sell and he was willing to come back they would not only welcome him with open arms but the talent would all put him on their yes list. #pathetic.

  23. @BT,
    ,,,,EVERYONE is at the same risk level as the riskiest person in the talent pool. The degrees of seperation, and now that includes the gay industry guys too,,,(as APAC has acknowledged several times), is too small to seperate levels of risk,,, Hooking, escorting, all of those OUTSIDE people are not outsiders,,,they are part of the pool of people that performers have sex with, you cannot discount them when you consider the MEDICAL aspects of the industry,,,those so called outsiders are as much a part of the system as performers.

    every performer who worked with Derrik Burts, and the other HIV positives in the last few years got lucky,,,,testing did not prevent a single one of them from contracting the disease, or being exposed to the disease, they simply got lucky, and that is a piss poor medical program for a multi billion dollar industry(LOL yes i laugh too everytime I write that, multi billion lol)

  24. Sheena Shaw is a perfect example of a performer who has no problem putting the entirre pool of performers at a higher risk level, and unfortunately there are scores, if not hundreds of performers who think just like her.

  25. @Jilted

    TY People are bitching about her as the problem vs representative of the risks to the performer pool as if she is an isolated incident. It wasn’t a secret that she was doing this last year when people played blind, dumb and ignorant to the situation.

    None of us knows what she based her risk assessment on ..smooth talking and kind gestures? Maybe. It definitely wasn’t adequate or effective industry training to protect herself and the industry talent pool.

    This situation proves without a doubt that an effective program goes beyond performers alone. It also proves FSC barkers like AVN aren’t gonna do shit about it.

    This fallacy the talent pool is some kind of private exclusive pool is bullshit. FSC barkers were promoting visits to stop by Freedom Acres on the way to AVN awards to preview their facilities for production away from LE where non-industry guests would be willing to have sex with performers and appear in content. Kernes is chortling with glee that a military court overturned a conviction for a HIV+ airman who didn’t disclose his status at swinger parties because their expert got info in that it was a greater than 1/500 chance he would infect someone on any given exposure…making transmission UNLIKELY on any given exposure …uhhhhhh hello this guy wasn’t medicated. Yeah I have a problem with folks who are supposed to be protecting the industry co-signing this.

  26. I am very disappointed Mike South is being so quiet on this issue. Yes, he said sheena should not come back, but he will not call out Stagliano.

    Look, Stags creampied a girl who was fucking his male talent. That is a bigger scandal than anything but Mike is dead silent on that.

    I really think Mike is not the crusader he claims to be. He will not stand up to guys like Stagliano.

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