Last month I wrote an article covering the self-proclaimed “King” of Porn’s unattractive (and did I mention inappropriate) behavior towards women (click here to read it!). Yesterday (June 27, 2019) he releases a statement on twitter saying he is no longer contracted with Greg Lansky’s interracial brands “Blacked” and “Blacked Raw” sites and that he is open for all bookings through his agent Hussie Models.

I’m not saying it directly has to do with the way he went about trying to court (?) women online…but I can definetly see complaints coming out of there. If you’re lazy and don’t want to read my previous article about him I’ll just leave this tweet below I think that is a good “TL;DR” for what Louie stands for.

Hours before he tweeted this out, he was called out by another relatively new male performer Ty Rexxx who claims that Smalls had “bashed” and took money from his girlfriend Abigail Peach and yet is still posting content that he and Peach made together on his OnlyFans. I know this brings up the whole “how fair is content trade” argument (which believe me I want to write an article on) but this is a pretty low move for anybody whether they got along originally or not.

So now, if it wasn’t clear already, Smalls has made himself a pretty unlikable character–from harassing women he’s never met online to trashing the ones who did fall for him (and I guess acting as his sugar mamas) but then still posting/promoting the content of them after their falling out…Jeez.
Rexxx explains in another tweet that the money Smalls made Peach pay she never owed in the first place. He also says that Smalls held Peach’s cat hostage which I don’t know how legal we’re trying to get here but from demanding money that’s not owed to then keeping belongings (let alone a LIVE ANIMAL) from someone Smalls definitely isn’t in the right here.

Louie Smalls and Abigail Peach are both represented by Hussie Models according to their Twitter bios. An interesting side note whilst talking about Twitter bios, Smal;s added “most hated porn star” to his bio as if it were a bragging right…No, we add awards won/nominated for to bios, not that we’re hated by our industry lol.

For whatever reason Smalls’s contract with Lansky was terminated/not extended, I’d like to think that someone is finally deciding to listen to the female performers who are getting booked with these self-entitled male talents when they’re deciding who to cast. Being cut from Blacked is a big step down for Smalls, but he is still repped by an agent (even if it is Hussie) which means he can still get work from companies so hopefully the word will get around fast enough for more girls to put him on their no-lists.~
12 Responses
I guess my prediction that Greg Lansky would cut him loose and not hire him for any more work was correct, Ms. Bot. In a perfect world an investigation would be done and people like Louie suspended with pay pending completion but I was convinced that he is a scumbag “rapey” asswipe from the first article and its voluminous documentation. Maybe Greg did a thorough investigation, it took over a month for news to leak out that he fired Louie, I don’t know but the industry is a little bit better now that one idiot with a high risk for raping is banned from at least some producers sets.
Hey, Louie, now that you are desperate for work are you going to do a bi scene for your bi-sexual friend Riley Reynolds and some chick. The picture that was posted here on Mike South featured him fucking another male talent up the ass while the male talent was fucking some poor noob chick’s holes. I hope you like dick up your ass. Rob Black might also want to smoke some meth with you then take you down in a painful wrestling move then shove his Coke can deep inside your holes, too. Of course there is always Paul Morris, he will hire any man willing to take AIDS dick and cum up his keister. I won’t be watching any of those scenes. Whether it beats masturbating for you, only you and your cuckold know.
Who are we fooling? They found some1 cheaper
Smalls will end up working for scrub companies like Black Ambush or Brotha Lovers, Brotha Lovers are so cheap they shoot the video and the still photos at the same time so while you are watching the video a flash is continuously going off. They probably pay their talent with rolls of coins.
Karma, I get the sentiment. However, Greg Lansky seems the type that wants good performers that won’t embarrass him over the cheapest performer. Evidently Louie Smalls (BTW, is he Biggie’s little brother) had a contract with Greg’s company. Whether Greg let the contract run out or cancelled it early using a morals clause I don’t know but I suspect that Louie’s recent actions had a say in what Greg either canning his ass or not renewing his contract. Frankly, with the evidence presented, I don’t blame him. Me, I would have suspended Louie and conducted an investigation unless his contract were just about to run out anyway but there is some pretty convincing evidence in the prior article.
M Harris, I almost fell out of my seat and I’m sitting on a park bench. “Morals clause?”
Morals Clause… sure it must exist,..
Can’t have talent getting fucked up on a shoot and then the talent expects to get paid even tho they are too high to work their scene. Can’t have males trying to pound it up the girls ass when its NOT an anal scene. Or abuse the girl. There has to be some rules or guidelines in place for talent to conduct themselves when they are working on a set.
Maybe that is a bit optimistic, Karma. However, breaking a contract in this manner is essentially invoking a morals clause whether it exists or not. There must be some sort of legality to this type of situation, several contracts have been broken for a similar reason and none of them have sued their former employers. The chances of all of them just running out shortly after the immoral acts these people did are slim and none — and Slim’s ass just hopped Amtrak out of town. I agree that historically people getting too drunk/high to work, trying to turn a vag only scene into an anal or beating the girl into the ICU have happened on occasion although it happens less now than in the “glory days” when producers like JM Productions, Max Hardcore and Khan Tusion got (and allowed talent to get) away with anything just short of murder (although people like Louie Smalls, Markus Dupree and a few others have slipped through lately). I agree that there should be some rules and guidelines to hopefully prevent this shit from happening in the future but those few will always slip through and then it is the director’s job to put a stop to it.
Like most performers, this fucker shoots content for his ManyFans. So the question to me is: what women are brain dead enough to still shoot with him and let him profit off of them?
And just because he’s gone from Blacked doesn’t mean he’s gone from mainstream porn – far from it.
And nobody thinks Meyer Lansky’s trying to save a buck? I saw this Chinese lady who used to sell bootleg dvds. She’s selling Raybans now. I asked about the dvds she said “everybody can get that on their phone.”
The Chinese bootlegger went from selling pirated DVDs to bootleg Raybans, huh? That is probably an improvement, from what I heard years ago the bootleg DVDs were of poor video and audio quality, sometimes literally a video camera aimed at a theater screen. In my area it was a member of AMPAS (owner of the Oscars) copying his Oscar screeners to CD-Rs using illegal to own technology to allow them to be played on a DVD player (three CD-Rs to a movie) and giving them away to his friends. I have a friend that had at least 150 movies recorded in this manner.