Tila Tequila Is Gonna Make A Porn

My Buddy Jessie at RockConfidential.com Scooped Everyone with this story….Good one man.

Rock Confidential has confirmed through an industry insider that Tila Tequila Nguyen has brokered a deal to shoot a XXX hardcore movie.

Nguyen will perform in three explicit sex scenes for the as-yet-unnamed movie: boy/girl, girl/girl and boy/girl/girl.

Deals of the agreement are under wraps, as is the name of the studio that will release the movie.

Our source commented, “I just wonder if this thing will sell. Sure, it will sell more than a normal porn but is it going to be worth what they paid for it?”

I guess this brings a whole new meaning to “A Shot Of Love with Tila Tequila.” Bottoms up!

Thanks for a good scoop Jessie…Check our RockConfidential, it’s a good site and has been on my links forever…I used to write for him even.

Will it sell…OH ya…and if it’s done right it will sell a LOT. She is way more appealing than Mindy McCready.

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Tila Tequila Is Gonna Make A Porn

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