Yesterday’s 2257 ruling hit me with something that related to the whole condom law issue but before I could articulate my views on it, my reader BT did a much better job than I could have.
BT Wrote in a comment:
Here’s the phrase I found most interesting in the decision.
“Rather, it was the pervasiveness of laws aimed at ensuring the industry’s practices did not undermine the safety of the public, which justified the reduced privacy expectations of the businesses. And here, federal anti-child pornography laws are similarly extensive.”
In other words, this is a First Amendment case in which a federal judge found that the government has an interest in regulation that protects the safety of the public.
Now, this law is in the context of the safety of underage performers. But, I don’t think it’s a stretch to argue that a condom law, like the 2257 regulation, is designed to ensure the safety of the public.
Just a thought.
I think BT nailed it. With the coming Cal/OSHA standards porn is probably in for a rough ride in Cali for the foreseeable future.
One thing I don’t get is porners unwillingness to even try to make condoms a performer choice issue, seems it has to be all or nothing. I have been condom neutral since day one and it has never had any impact on my sales that I have seen.
A lot of companies are shooting non condom in places where they are not supposed to and right now the impact on them has been minimal but the first time a girl with an STD and a lawyer meet its gonna get very ugly for the Evil Angels of the world.
3 Responses
The 2257 Ruling and AB332
what underage performers are they trying to protect ? its against the law to HIRE anyone that young.that said…as you pointed out in other posts,the industry really needs to wake up and comply with the health risks involved.
It should be easy as pie and knowing the risk involved with the porn industry, it’s a business. The issues of the pubic’s safety was addressed by the PSA in the beginning of some old pornos I got stashed: use condoms for your protection because these are professional sexual performers who have to get tested and stay clean and healthy to keep their job—you the general public, have to use protection to save yourselves from having to go to the hospital and get treated. I guess I WAS THE ONLY ONE PAYING ATTENTION because I am still clean and able to enjoy porn and managed to be educated about the risks of the industry without any problems realizing that sex can kill you if you’re not careful—Wallace wasn’t paying attention neither was Mr.Marcus and now this happened because they cannot have, sorry-had chosen not to have protective sex outside of the set and then bring STIs into this mess justifying the 2557 ruling and AB332. So now, the industry has a big mess to clean up and need new PSAs for their viewers to protect themselves.